International SEO Agency

Improve your International SEO Positioning anywhere in the world, on Google, Yandex and Baidu

International SEO

Optimizing international SEO is key to ensuring that your potential customers anywhere in the world can easily find and navigate the most relevant section of your website. Whether you offer content in several languages or aim to reach audiences in different countries, you are immersed in the international arena of SEO. Having an agency specialized in international SEO positioning is essential for the global success of your project.

Our team at the International SEO agency is comprised of SEO specialists from different countries. Each specialist has extensive experience in different international SEO techniques, thus ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to optimize the visibility of your website worldwide.

What strategies are used in International SEO

Study of market-specific keywords

Market-specific page optimization

Localizing the content

Geolocation review

Hreflang implementation

Any SEO task related to local search engines

International Search Engines

The search engine you should focus your efforts on depends to a large extent on the market or sector you are targeting. The vast majority of the Internet is dominated by Google, but this doesn't mean that working only with Google prevents you from focusing on international SEO strategy or tactics.

On the other hand, there are multiple search engines with market dominance in specific countries or parts of the world, and it's important to be aware of their presence and understand how their algorithms work. These include Yandex in Russia and Eastern Europe, Baidu, Shenma and Sogou, among others, in China, Naver in South Korea, and many more.

Novicell is one of the few international SEO agencies in Barcelona with demonstrable experience in search engines other than Google.

For a good international SEO strategy, it is necessary to know the existing scenarios and how important it is in them.

Scenarios where a strategy

International SEO is essential

Scenario 1: Translation Method

Your website has content in several languages, organized by local domains (CC-TLDs), a folder structure specific to each language in a domain, or sub-domains separated by language.

This type of configuration is very common, but it doesn't mean it's error-free. Often there are some pages that don't have or are missing translations, the metadata isn't locally optimized, and not all content is fully indexed in all the search engines where it should appear. That's when an international SEO agency must step in to identify and solve all of these problems. It's essential to establish a strategy and prioritize work by market, so that SEO improvements can have a tangible impact on your business objectives.

Scenario 2: Native Method

The site is aimed at several countries that share the same language (the case of the United Kingdom and the United States or Spain and Mexico).

This type is less common but no less important in International SEO Strategy. There is a certain propensity to make mistakes. Imagine that you want to reach the local audience in the UK, the United States and Australia at the same time. You create a single price page to adjust it to local currencies, but the rest is essentially duplicate content. How do you ensure that users based in Australia really get the right and localized result in their search? This is when several SEO strategies can help, but make sure they're implemented by international SEO specialists.

Scenario 3: Overcoming Firewalls

You've already translated your website into Chinese to enter the world's largest market, but you're not sure how SEO works.

The largest search engine in China is Baidu (, sometimes also called Google of China. In addition to the standard search service, they also have maps from Baidu, Baidu Wikipedia, forums, weather services, a social network and more. Like Google, they offer their own tools for Google webmasters called Baidu Zhanzhang and the analysis tool called Baidu Tongji, which are offered free of charge.

The main drawback is the fact that the tools are only accessible in Chinese, so if you want to use the large amount of data that Baidu offers, you need a specialist with the language skills and the right understanding of the market.

You should also keep in mind that although Baidu is the largest, it's not the only search engine in China. Sogou (, Haosou 360 ( and Shenma (, owned by the Alibaba Group) are some of the other players in the search market in mainland China.


International SEO FAQs

What is International SEO?

International SEO is the set of techniques we apply to optimize the organic positioning of a website in such a way that search engines correctly identify which countries or languages we are targeting.

What does an International SEO strategy consist of?

There are certain key aspects to consider if you want to implement an SEO strategy at an international level:

  • Analysis of the markets and the target audience.
  • Study of competition in each market (benchmarking).
  • Study of specific keywords for each market.
  • Decide the architecture of your website: domains, subdomains and subdirectories
  • Choice of hosting.
  • Localize the content to adapt it to the language and country of your target audience.
  • Correct implementation of the hreflang attribute.
  • Implementation of a geolocalized link building strategy.
What is the hreflang attribute?

The hreflang attribute helps Google understand that we have different URLs with the same content, but localized or segmented for users from different places. In this sense, the hreflang tag indicates the language and sometimes the location (region) of an alternative URL. Properly tagging the URLs of your website helps to geolocate them and position them in the corresponding SERPs.

What is the CDN network and how does it help you with international SEO positioning?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a set of servers distributed around the world that store local copies of each website. This distribution of our website on servers located in different parts of the world makes it easier for users to access it from a server closer to their location. In this way, users will have an optimal loading speed, which has a direct impact on web positioning in Google.

What Makes Our International SEO Agency Different?

At Novicell we have a international team of SEO specialists. Native specialists with extensive SEO experience in several countries and therefore also with experience in a wide variety of search engines, including Yandex and Baidu. We are the perfect SEO agency to help you push your project to the international level.


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