UX & Design Agency

We investigate. We design. We optimize.


Design in the digital world

It's the optimization in a strategic way for a specific action, experience or objective.

In Novicell we create results. We research and optimize as much as we design: A digital solution must convert and not just look good. For our UX agency, it is essential that a brand remains strong and credible, with a visual identity that users recognize and relate.


Our Design Services

Our Design Services cover the entire digital field. Depending on the needs of our customers, we offer:


We create visual and interactive elements for digital media such as websites and mobile applications.


We design impactful and easy-to-navigate websites, thus providing a pleasant user experience.


Creative and intuitive solutions that improve the user experience when interacting with your product or service.

Anticipate the needs of

your users, surprise them

Delight your users by anticipating their needs
and offer them something they wouldn't have thought to ask for.

Our differential

Marketing. Design. Technology.

At the Novicell digital agency we have a marketing, design and technology team focused on the digital field. We work hand in hand, cooperating together to obtain the maximum optimization, guaranteeing valuable results.

Analysis and insight

“What is your mission? What are your objectives? Do they have a Corporate Identity? Who are your customers?...”

When we need to do a new design or redesign, extensive preliminary work is essential. We do workshops to understand what is at stake for the company. This is when the marketing and design team dive into the brand and cooperate to define the premises of the project.

We research the brand and everything related to it. We define objectives to be achieved, we devise a strong strategy, we create stories and characters. This way we can understand the user. Finally, we analyzed the data from the existing proposal to see the results of the proposal.

The click-proof design

“Without creative strategy, there is no design that works”.

When designing, first We conceptualize, we created the information architecture and then we work the prototyping on a digital level. This is how we determine, together with the customer, the general navigation, the different interactions and the prioritization of the content.

Of course, our solutions are responsively designed to fit all types of devices. We approach the real user experience and do interactive design tests, without forgetting the Look and Feel of the company's identity.

Optimization for good performance

“Tell me how you optimize and I'll tell you who sees you.”

Once a creative and visual solution is established, it's important to maintain it longterm so that the project really has results. We tested if the load time is optimal, we see how some elements work better than the existing ones and if the users perform the action the way we expect.

We evaluate content structure and usability in relation to the objectives of the visual solution and we help to optimize it based on these. We compare specific performance data with previous ones and look for points of improvement.

You need a

UX auditing

We defined objectives in a 30-minute meeting and started.
It's that simple. Ask for your audit.

Benefits of taking care of your brand design

At Novicell, we know the importance of be present on the Internet To be able grow and evolve as a brand. The main advantages of investing in your brand image are:

Brand positioning

Improve the visibility and positioning of your brand

Safety and trust

Increase user confidence

Brand recognition

Easy to recognize and remember your brand

Competitive advantage

Stand out from the competition

User loyalty

Build loyalty with your potential customers more easily

Increase your sales

Attract and attract new customers

Digital solutions for

needs of all sizes

Digital Design

“At the right time, to the right person”

We consider Digital Design to be any project that supports a digital strategy of a company, product or service. We unite technique and creativity to create coherent and consistent visual proposals, that communicate the values and ideas of the brand.

Our mission is to help position brands, transmit a remarkable message to the desired audience and with that, obtain valuable results.

We accompany the customer from the first contact, taking care of and improving their brand digitally. Based on an analysis and data collection, we detect what opportunities we can take advantage of and help drive the brand towards the objectives to be achieved. We present your brand in the digital world in different ways:

Marketing Campaigns

Inbound Design

Social Media Ads


Static or dynamic banners


Web Design

“A website is the showcase of your brand”

A website is the best technique for getting your brand, message, product or service to the largest possible audience. In web design we take into account everything related to web design, whether for the creation of corporate websites , e-commerce websites, custom web pages or unique landings pages.

Our methodology is based on knowing what message we want to spread,
What objectives do you want to achieve and what image you want to transmit, customizing each website without using any template.

Our favorite CMS:

UX Design

“Experiences that allow users to meet their objectives with your products/services”.

We started a project thinking about experience that users want when they interact with a page and what actions are expected for the user to perform. We then designed the best interface to be able to provide that experience. We are constantly working to provide users with an optimal experience.

Our goal is to ensure that the The proposal is fast, stable and responsive, in this way we will be able to offer a good user experience and improve conversion optimization.

What are the benefits of investing in UX design

Increase ROI

Improves return on investment.


It generates customer loyalty and retention.

Reduce costs

Save money in the development process.

Improve reputation

It improves online image and credibility.

Better decisions

It helps to make better business decisions.

Increase conversions

The number of sales in the business increases.

How we design user experiences

User people and Customer journey maps

User test

Interviews and surveys

Interactive prototypes

Wireframes and Wireflows

A/B tests

UX/UI Design FAQs

Service FAQs: UX/UI Design.

What is UX/UI design?

UX/UI design is the process of creating user experiences (UX) and user interfaces (UI) that are attractive, easy to use, and effective. UX design focuses on the user experience, while UI design focuses on the look and feel of the user interface.

What are the benefits of UX/UI design?

UX/UI design can provide a number of benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increase in sales.
  • Improved customer engagement and loyalty.
  • Reduced customer support costs
  • Increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Improved brand visibility.
How can I find a good UX/UI design agency?

There are a number of things you can do to find a good UX/UI design agency, including:

  • Ask for references from friends, family or colleagues.
  • Read online reviews.
  • Compare prices.
  • Request proposals from multiple agencies.
How much does UX/UI design cost?

The cost of UX/UI design varies depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the project, the size of the agency, and the experience of the design team. However, in general, UX/UI design can be a profitable investment for businesses.

What should I consider when hiring a UX/UI design agency?

There are a number of things to consider when hiring a UX/UI design agency, including:

  • The objectives of your project.
  • Your project budget.
  • The delivery time for your project.
  • The skills and experience of the design team.
  • Agency communication and collaboration.

If you consider these factors, you can be sure to find a good UX/UI design agency that can help you create an attractive, easy-to-use and effective user experience and user interface.

What experience does Novicell have in UX/UI design?

We have worked with a wide range of clients, from small companies to large corporations and in different industries, such as finance, health, hospitality, retail, and others. Our specialists have a deep understanding of UX/UI design principles and create attractive and intuitive digital pieces, from websites and intranets to mobile applications. If you want to know the details of our projects, click here.