Software Development

At Novicell, we use agile methods so that each project has the maximum pace and efficiency

Which CMS is best for your company?

We specialize in content management systems. Our partner relationship with CMSs, our certified programmers and our experience are the guarantee of success in the projects we implement.


The best technological solutions


Fast, solid, elegant and open source


All the marketing power, out of the box


A strong platform, ready for the future


A simple CMS to publish easily and quickly


A suite of eCommerce, PIM and CMS solutions


Software solutions integrated into the same ecosystem.



At Novicell, we use agile methods such as SCRUM or Kanban so that each project has the maximum pace and efficiency. These methods, which belong to the agile management family, allow us to manage projects more realistically, away from the rigidity of the academy, and closer to the unforeseen events and changes of the Real World™.

In addition, we make use of the best project management tools. Thanks to them, we can pay attention to the smallest details and are able to meet the expected specifications within the stipulated deadlines.

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The best eCommerce solutions at your fingertips

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