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November 20, 2020

Does email marketing have a future? Keys to making the most of it

Jaume Alsina
Digital Operations

The Future of Email Marketing

If you think that email marketing is dead, you're very wrong: Email marketing has a promising future. This channel for the dissemination and promotion of your content is more alive than ever. And we don't say it, the data says it. Hubspot published a article with statistics on email marketing to take into account a lot, and of which we want to highlight 3 points that seem especially relevant to us:

  • More than 59% of marketers say that email is their biggest source of ROI.
  • 99% of consumers check their email every day.
  • 73% of millennials prefer that company communications arrive by email.

In other words: it's a optimal channel for companies to communicate with their potential customers or existing customers. This is an efficient digital marketing channel that has a relatively low cost (for now, as there are rumors that in the future it will also be paid). We'll see).

campañas emailing usuarios

In 2020, there are an estimated 3.9 billion email users worldwide. In addition, 75% of users access their email from their mobile. Taking into account that the use of smartphones is increasing, and that users check their email every day (according to the Hubspot survey, in the United States more than 50% of users check their email more than 10 times a day), we cannot ignore this resource but rather the opposite: see how we can optimize its use to achieve more web traffic, leads, sales... or whatever goal you have set for yourself.

In addition, it is an excellent channel for getting sales, that is, it is useful in a phase of the customer journey advanced.

What to consider in your email marketing strategy

(+ current trends in email marketing)

El email marketing it doesn't just consist of sending emails to your database. It's not that easy. To make it work, you need to create an appropriate strategy, design with consistency, and customize your campaigns. Here are some tips to keep in mind to be successful in your email marketing strategy (including 2021 trends!).

Tip 1: Generate templates for your emailing campaigns


Generating templates for your emailing campaign designs has a double functionality: Time savings in creating campaigns and visual coherence. If you have the need to attract traffic to your website, you can choose to include a menu in the header of your email with the main sections of your website that you want to promote. In addition, it is advisable to add a footer with links or buttons to share on social networks. Anyway, don't forget the important thing: We recommend that your submission has a clear objective and a message aligned with that objective, so keep in mind that what should stand out has to be the content associated with your main objective.

Tip 2: Create dynamism in your email designs

Getting the attention of users is not easy: Nowadays, the amount of information that users are impacted with is large and Standing out requires effort. Dynamic content, such as GIFs, is a good practice to capture that attention we need.

Tip 3: Customize and segment your email marketing campaigns

So much personalization such as segmentation are essential to work properly on an email marketing strategy. Personalization, because it is a technique that increases the Open Rate of our campaigns; segmentation, because it is the way we have to adjust to our audiences and be more relevant to them.

Tip 4: Quality vs. Quantity

As in many other things in life, we prioritize quality versus quantity. Why? Because if you bombard your audience, you'll get the opposite effect you want. And what does quality mean? Provide value, that is, provide information that your segment or audience may find interesting. This will depend a lot both on your company's product/service and on the characteristics of your buyer persona. Generally, offering an incentive (be it a promotion, discount, gift...), opting to participate in a raffle or providing some new or exclusive information are formulas that help both the opening of campaigns and the click rate or engagement.

Tip 5: Content for email marketing: Interaction and storytelling

As far as content is concerned, generating interactive content will be a trend. For example, that the user can interact with the brand through contests, the creation of content related to their personality or through games. If, in addition, that interaction is combined with the previous creation of a well-designed storytelling, we will achieve better results.

Tip 6: Analyze your emailing campaigns

As important as the strategy and execution of your campaigns is the subsequent analysis you make of them. It is essential to consult your campaign reports on a recurring basis to detect insights and improvements that allow you to optimize them.

análisis campañas email marketing

In addition, in 2021, the trend will be much more personalized campaigns, with content of a more informal and interactive tone.


How can we help you?

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact contact us.

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