Redesign and integration of “Click & Collect”


The Challenge

Do a complete redesign and a “Click & Collect” integration.

Later, JYSK decided to expand cooperation so that the Novicell design department would also develop the entire new interface, based on the findings of the preliminary analysis. However, JYSK has its own development department that implemented the /HTML design in Drupal.

Novicell collaborates with JYSK, carrying out continuous analysis and optimizing the website.

The Solution

After a detailed analysis of JYSK's existing website, CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) specialists made recommendations for content and navigation based on traffic data, user tests, division tests and usability analysis.

Responsive wireframes were used in the design process, applying the “mobile first” methodology.

After initial user testing of the previous website, Novicell created responsive wireframes based on the “Mobile First” approach, as well as on the JYSK experience and database.

The response of the wireframes and the gray box in the initial parts of the design process help determine the size and location of the elements. The method saves time as the design becomes more tangible for the customer and ensures that everyone has the same understanding of the structure and navigation of the website.


Through close dialogue, user testing and a focus on conversion optimization, we were able to significantly increase JYSK's conversion rate.

  • 85% Increase in revenues in
  • 318% Increase in tablet transactions
  • 162% Increase in searches on smartphones