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February 9, 2024

What is BigCommerce and how it boosts your online business

Ignacio Carreras
Digital Marketing Trainee

BigCommerce emerges as a leading platform in the field of e-commerce, offering advanced solutions so that companies of any size can effectively create, manage and expand your online operations.

This article breaks down what BigCommerce is and how it works, providing a detailed overview of its multiple features, advantages, and how these can be used for boost your digital business.

BigCommerce: an e-commerce giant

BigCommerce is positioned as an integral solution for e-commerce, allowing your online business not only to launch into the digital market but also thrive and grow in it.

The platform is distinguished by its ease of use, robustness and scalability, making it a preferred option for businesses looking for sustained growth.

Interface and user experience: ease and flexibility

BigCommerce stands out in the e-commerce market by offering an interface intuitive and friendly that simplifies the process of creation and management of online stores. This ease and flexibility are critical to your business of all sizes, allowing you to focus on what really matters: sell and grow.

Let's see in more detail how the BigCommerce interface and its user experience become powerful allies for your digital business.

Professional and customizable templates

BigCommerce offers you a wide range of professionally designed templates, which cover a variety of styles and sectors. Not only are these templates visually appealing, but they're also customizable, allowing you to adapt your store's design to align perfectly with your brand image.

Whether you're looking for a minimalist, sophisticated, or highly creative style, you'll find a template that is adjust to your needs.

Easy, no-code editing

With BigCommerce, you don't need to be a developer to create a webshop that looks professional. The platform offers a visual editor with drag-and-drop functionality, making customizing your store as easy asSelect items and place them wherever you want.

This accessibility ensures that you can make quick and effective changes to your site, without relying on external technical support.

Advanced customization

For those who want to take customization a step further, BigCommerce offers Stencil, an advanced theme engine that allows developers and designers create unique and highly personalized shopping experiences.

Stencil provides more detailed control over the design, allowing for precise adjustments and the implementation of specific functionalities, all while maintaining high standards of performance and safety.

Mobile Adaptability

In an increasingly mobile world, make sure your online store is optimized for mobile devices is essential. BigCommerce ensures that all templates are responsive, ensuring that your store looks and works on any device. This mobile adaptability improves the user experience and translates into higher conversion rates.

SEO optimization: key to online visibility

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is not just another component of your digital strategy, but a fundamental pillar to ensure your visibility and success in the vast online world.

BigCommerce stands out in this area by offering a set of SEO tools specifically designed to improve position of your store in the search results of Google and other relevant search engines.

This translates into a significant increase in organic traffic to your site, which is crucial for increase sales and customer base.

Customizable URLs and 301 redirects

BigCommerce allows full customization of your site's URLs, meaning that you can create web addresses that are not only easy for your visitors to read, but also optimized with relevant keywords to improve your SEO.

In addition, the platform makes it easy to manage 301 redirects, ensuring that any changes to the URLs of your site do not harm your current position.

Image optimization

Images play a crucial role in e-commerce, not only because of their impact on the user experience, but also because of their influence on SEO.

BigCommerce has tools that allow image optimization, ensuring that they load quickly and are correctly labeled with relevant ALT attributes, which is vital for improve the accessibility and positioning of your site in search results.

Integration with Google Shopping

BigCommerce is integrates seamlessly with Google Shopping, allowing businesses to expand their reach through this powerful marketing channel. Al synchronize your product catalog with Google Shopping, you can improve the visibility of your items in related searches, leading to a increase in qualified traffic to your store.

Valuable content and blogging

Quality content is a determining factor for SEO. BigCommerce offers a integrated blogging platform, allowing you to create relevant and valuable content that attracts your target audience and improve your search engine rankings.

Through blog articles, guides, and other keyword-rich content, you can establish your brand as an authority in your industry, thus improving your SEO and the perception of your business.

SEO Analysis and Reports

To ensure that your SEO efforts are delivering the expected results, it's crucial to have detailed analysis and reporting tools. BigCommerce offers integrations with major analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics and Search Console, allowing you to monitor the performance of your site, better understand the behavior of your visitors and adjust your SEO strategy based on concrete data.

Payment and discount management

BigCommerce allows the integration of a wide range of payment methods, including traditional ones such as credit and debit cards, as well as modern and global options such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other localized payment systems for specific markets.

This diversity ensures that merchants can meet the payment preferences of a wide spectrum of customers, removing barriers to the completion of purchases.

The platform also facilitates the implementation of payment gateways that support multiple currencies and adapt to different financial regulations, which is crucial for companies operating in the international arena. Not only does this improve the shopping experience for global users, but it also increases the conversion rate by offering a familiar and secure payment process.

Advanced tools for managing discounts and promotions

BigCommerce provides a powerful set of tools for creating, managing and automate discounts or promotions. Merchants can set up limited-time discounts, volume discounts, specific promotions for categories or products, and exclusive offers for loyal customers or newsletter subscribers.

The ability to segment promotions and customize offers based on customer behavior, such as previous purchases or cart value, allows companies to create targeted marketing strategies that increase the value of the average order and promote customer loyalty.

The platform also makes it easy to integrate these promotions with email and social media marketing campaigns, maximizing their reach and effectiveness.

Multi Storefront and Multichannel: Expanding Your Reach

BigCommerce's Multi Storefront and Multichannel strategy allows businesses manage multiple virtual stores from a single control panel, simplifying the administration and monitoring of diverse brands or product lines.

This is especially useful for companies that operate in different geographical regions or that target different market segments, allowing unprecedented personalization and localization of content.

La integration with multiple sales channels, including social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, online marketplaces such as Amazon, and price comparison platforms, ensures that products are available wherever customers make their purchases.

This ability to reach consumers through various points of contact improves brand visibility and increases sales opportunities, adapting to omnichannel behavior of modern consumers.

B2B Commerce: Solutions for the Business Market

BigCommerce stands out in the B2B e-commerce offering features that address the unique challenges of this sector, such as price negotiation, volume buying, and custom order approvals.

These capabilities allow for an experience of smoother and more efficient shopping for business customers, who often have more complex requirements than end consumers.

In addition, the platform provides tools for managing business customer accounts, allowing you to establish personalized prices, payment terms, and specific catalogs for each B2B customer. This facilitates greater personalization and customer satisfaction, while optimizing sales processes and improving long-term business relationships.

Additional features: boosting your online store

BigCommerce continues to expand its suite of tools to offer a comprehensive e-commerce solution.

Las advanced analysis and reporting tools They offer Insights valuable insights into customer buying behavior, product performance, and sales trends, allowing companies to make decisions based on data.

Simplified inventory management, together with digital marketing solutions, such as SEO, email marketing and social media advertising, help companies to optimize their operations and increase their reach and effectiveness in attracting new customers.

These tools are essential for Maintain competitiveness in an increasingly saturated and dynamic online market.

Conclusion: Your Online Success Starts With BigCommerce

BigCommerce is established not only as a platform for creating online stores, but as a strategic partner in the growth and expansion of your digital business. With its wide range of features, ease of use, and powerful customization and optimization tools, BigCommerce is the smart choice for those looking not only to start their online business but to take it to the next level.

If you're considering BigCommerce as the solution to launch or expand your online business, remember that having the right support is crucial. At Novicell, we have the experience and knowledge to help you maximize the potential of BigCommerce for your business. Contact with us and discover how we can boost your online success by visiting us at Novicell.