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April 11, 2024

The 7 Best Email Marketing Tools Recommended by Experts

Ignacio Carreras
Digital Marketing Trainee

In the digital age, the art of connecting with the audience is more valuable than ever. Email marketing emerges as a fundamental pillar for any communication strategy that aspires to create lasting relationships. Discover how each marketing software can transform your approach and propel your marketing processes to the next level.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing can be defined as the sending of digital correspondence, which not only reaches the email inboxes of the recipients instantly, but can also be highly customized to adapt to the needs and preferences of each user.

This strategy stands out as one of the digital marketing tools with the higher return on investment (ROI).

For every euro invested in email marketing, the results obtained can be remarkably lucrative, allowing your company maximize your financial resources.

One of the great advantages of email marketing is its ability to facilitate a direct and effective communication with customers. Your company can share valuable information, news and promotions on a regular basis, thus keeping their potential customers and existing involved and informed.

In addition, this method is a natural extension of inbound marketing, by focusing on reaching those people who have demonstrated a previous interest in the brand or product, such as subscribers to a mailing list, fostering a relationship more significant and durable.

The queen reading her emails on her laptop - Midjourney

Inbound Marketing + Email Marketing: The Perfect Combination

Email marketing emerges as a fundamental technique within inbound marketing strategies, a symbiosis that points to the customer loyalty through quality content and effective conversion methods in your marketing processes.

Among the best email marketing tools, HubSpot Email Marketing presents itself as an outstanding solution, integrating seamlessly with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to provide a complete and integrated view of the customer, from their interests and behavior, to their interaction with the brand and purchase process.

The management and analysis of a segmented and relevant database has become Pillars of the email marketing.

Proper segmentation ensures that the messages sent match the specific interests of subscribers, which not only increases the effectiveness of campaigns, but prevents falling into spam practices that may distract users from the purchase process.

An efficient strategy involves starting with a quality content that responds directly to the subscriber's needs.

For example, it could be the sending product suggestions for a gift or creating an informational ebook that addresses topics of interest relevant to the audience.

In this initial phase, avoid excessively promotional material in favor of content that establishes communication authentic and close, based on answering questions and promoting human and empathetic communication.

Making a good first impression is crucial to establishing a relationship of trust and value with the subscriber.

Manual vs. automated email marketing

In the field of digital marketing, one of the most critical decisions companies face is the choice between implementing manual or automated email marketing strategies. This debate not only focuses on operational efficiency, but also on the ability to create authentic and meaningful connections with consumers.

Below, we highlight the advantages and limitations of each approach, to help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and marketing objectives.

Manual Email Marketing: A Personal Touch

Manual email marketing, often celebrated for its personal touch and authenticity, allows you to create and send personalized emails to your customer database.

This technique is valued by businesses that maintain a close relationship with their customers or those that focus on specific campaigns aimed at very defined segments of their audience.


  • Deep customization: allows detailed customization based on in-depth customer knowledge.
  • Flexibility: offers the possibility to quickly adapt the content of the email to current events or changes in marketing strategy.
  • Full control: companies have full control over the timing and content of their email campaigns.


  • Scalability: Handling large volumes of emails manually can be a slow and error-prone process.
  • Consistency: maintaining consistency in the tone and style of emails can be challenging, especially with large teams.
  • Time Efficiency: requires a significant investment of time and human resources.

Automated Email Marketing: Efficiency and Scalability

On the other hand, the automated email technique uses specialized email marketing tools to send emails based on specific triggers or customer behaviors. Not only is this approach highly efficient, it also allows for sophisticated segmentation and customization on a large scale.


  • Efficiency: Automating the process of sending emails saves time and resources, allowing companies to focus on other areas of their marketing.
  • Advanced segmentation: automation tools offer advanced segmentation capabilities, ensuring that the right message reaches the right customer at the right time.
  • Analysis and optimization: automation makes it easier to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of campaigns, allowing for real-time adjustments to optimize results.


  • Loss of personalization: Although advanced segmentation is possible, automation can lead to emails that feel impersonal or generic.
  • Technical complexity: Setting up automated email marketing campaigns may require specialized technical knowledge or investment in training.
  • Initial cost: the implementation of automation systems may require a significant initial investment.

The choice between manual and automated email marketing is not a binary one. In reality, the optimal strategy for most companies will be a combination of both approaches.

A Robot Shaking Hands with a Female Human Writer - Midjourney

While Automation offers efficiency and scalability, the personal touch of manual email marketing can be invaluable for certain campaigns or customer segments. The key is to understand the strengths and limitations of each method and apply them in ways that complement the company's digital marketing objectives.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing is consolidated as an essential tactic in the digital universe and fundamental to your strategy due to its ability to keep users constantly informed and connected to the brand or product.

As an integral part of inbound marketing, it is aimed at an audience that You have already expressed your interest, which significantly increases the chances of converting your potential customers.

The key to success in this strategy lies in the database quality and a thorough segmentation of leads, ensuring that the content delivered is relevant and of interest for each subscriber.

By tailoring messages to consumers' interests, email marketing reduces the risk of being perceived as spam and, as a result, it improves open and click through rates.

In addition, these campaigns provide the possibility of reporting on offers and news in Real time, thus encouraging quick and effective decision-making by potential customers of your company.

This set of advantages makes email marketing an undisputed pillar of any successful digital marketing strategy.

Direct and personalized communication

It has been demonstrated that the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns is enhanced through direct and personalized communication with each subscriber.

The segmentation of the database allows each message to be tailored to the interests and preferences of the recipients, improving the relevance of the content and the user's response during the purchase process.

The automation of email marketing tools makes it easy to monitor and analyze the performance of email marketing tools in real time. campaigns, allowing communication strategies to be continuously adjusted and optimized.

By automatically collecting demographic data about the consumer behavior, your company can make informed decisions about the best time to send emails, thus increasing the converting leads into loyal customers.

Build customer loyalty and your image

Email marketing is essential to building a solid and lasting relationship with customers. Maintaining an open communication channel with relevant and quality content encourages not only customer loyalty, but it also encourages possibility to repeat purchases.

Through segmentation based on user behavior, messages are they become more effective and the brand image is strengthened, creating a bond of trust with consumers.

Brevo is a cutting-edge marketing software in marketing automation and facilitates development of digital campaigns that focus on creative content and data analysis, benefiting customer loyalty and strengthening a solid and coherent brand image.

Increase traffic on your website

Email marketing or email campaigns, together with complementary strategies such as content marketing, SEO, social media marketing and PPC campaigns, are effective techniques to increase traffic to a web page.

Innovative tools such as the use of QR codes in television commercials or printed advertising allow you to effectively redirect consumers to your company's website.

Google Analytics offers analytics free web traffic, taking advantage of this information to improve inbound marketing tactics.

Platforms such as HubSpot provide a comprehensive set of tools aimed at empowering creating engaging content, sales automation and detailed analysis of your website's performance, all in order to magnify the attracting users and potential customers.

In addition, tracking and research using specialized SEO applications such as Semrush and Ahrefs guide online visibility strategies that result in a greater flow of visitors.

Low cost

One of the most notable advantages of email marketing is its relationship cost-benefit. Platforms like HubSpot offer free trial plans that allow your company to explore and evaluate the service before commit financial resources.

MailChimp presents a free plan ideal for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), allowing them to maintain a database of up to 500 contacts and make up to 2,500 monthly shipments.

AWeber and Constant Contact offer affordable, quality options that allow businesses to execute effective email campaigns with a low initial outlay and extensive contact lists.

These tools demonstrate that quality marketing doesn't have to be tied to a high economic cost and they can be essential for businesses with tight budgets.

Process automation

Process automation tools in email marketing are synonymous with efficiency and effectiveness. The execution of campaigns and complex processes in your electronic commerce are carried out more easily, while improving personalization and saving valuable time.

The optimization of repetitive tasks and the reduction of manual intervention result in a significant reduction in costs, allowing your marketing team to focus on developing a digital strategy and deep analysis.

In addition, marketing automation tools give your company control over its marketing actions and offer the possibility to monitor in detail the impact of each action, resulting in evidence-based decision-making and an effective digital strategy.

This capacity for continuous improvement in marketing processes, as well as in the generation and conversion of leads, positively influences the return on investment and the buying process of your potential customers.


Finally, scalability is another of the great advantages of email marketing tools.

An email marketing platform is designed to grow together with your company's contact base, managing everything from small quantities to lists that number in the millions, without losing quality in personalization or focus.

This feature is essential for your company to adapt its digital email marketing strategy to business growth, without the need to change tools.

With these scalable tools, your company can ensure that, regardless of the size of their audience, they will continue to be able to manage your campaigns effectively.

The 7 Best Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for reaching and engaging with audience in a personalized way.

In the midst of an increasingly saturated digital landscape, choosing the right marketing techniques for your email marketing strategy is essential to ensure that your messages stand out and convert.

Here are the 7 most effective tools for optimizing your email marketing campaigns, adapting to both small and medium-sized businesses and larger business environments, that allow advanced process automation and provide crucial information through data analysis.


HubSpot isn't just a powerful email marketing tool; it's an all-in-one content marketing platform that offers a comprehensive system for attracting, converting and delighting customers.

It has an intuitive and easy-to-use visual editor, ideal for creating impactful campaigns that capture the audience's attention.

One of the greatest strengths of HubSpot It's the perfect synergy between its email marketing service and its built-in CRM, which allows advanced segmentation and lead scoring to send timely and personalized messages to each contact.

This automation tool is especially useful for complex and well-orchestrated digital marketing techniques.

Features of the HubSpot email marketing tool

  • It does not require a credit card to start using the service, as it contains a 15-day free version.
  • It is a platform designed to increase the email opening and clickthrough rate.
  • Allows users to take advantage of their tools without the need for an IT team.

Benefits of the HubSpot email marketing tool

This free email marketing tool is reliable and feature-packed suitable for growing small and medium-sized businesses.

You can create professional emails that attract and Grow your audience with your simple email creator, just by dragging and dropping.

The templates designed by HubSpot are based on objectives and you can choose from a wide variety, created especially for convert potential customers.

It has intuitive customization. Thanks to its simple editor you can add calls to action and images, modify content and colors to reflect your brand.

You can include personalized content in your emails, such as the name of your username and company, to ensure that your contacts feel as if they were being personally serviced.


Mailchimp is possibly the most popular email marketing platform on the market, known for its friendly interface and its impressive free plan.

Although initially focused on sending emails, it now offers more extensive functionality such as CRM, marketing automation, and detailed analysis of campaign performance.

La ease of integration with other platforms such as WordPress and social networks makes Mailchimp a very versatile and accessible resource for businesses of any size.


Brevo (formerly known as Sendinblue) has become an essential platform that offers a range of communication services, from email marketing up to SMS and chat.

Its approach to automation makes it easy to set up personalized social media campaigns without excessive manual intervention.

In addition, with its Built-in sales CRM, Brevo consolidates all aspects of customer communication in one place, adapting to the needs and growth of each company.


Mailrelay stands out in the market for its commitment to deliverability and personalized customer support. With advanced options to improve how your emails arrive in the inbox and your own IP assignment, reduces the risk of being marked as spam.

Its interface supports a wide range of segmentations and has the advantage of offering advice in Spanish, ideal for companies that they operate in Spanish-speaking markets.


GetResponse is renowned for its high email delivery rate, ensuring that campaigns effectively reach the recipients' inboxes.

With a wide range of tools designed to understand and expand your database, GetResponse is ideal for those looking to obtain a deeper insight into your customers.

In addition, it provides natural integration with social networks to amplify reach and effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.

These marketing techniques, when properly implemented, can make a substantial difference in the way you interact and relate to your audience, support your digital marketing strategies and contribute significantly to the generation of sales opportunities.

Octopus Email

Email Octopus is a very popular email marketing platform, whose objective is provide simple and intuitive software. They offer customizable templates in the same drag-and-drop editor.

It also allows you to start campaigns from scratch. It has a high deliverability, offers personalized reports and the Ability to drip mailing sequences, importing contacts and integrating with forms.

The application has two plans, one free version and a paid version. With the free plan you can access up to 2,500 subscribers and 10,000 emails per month.


Doopler is an affordable and simple email marketing platform for mass or automated mailing, the segmented and personalized newsletter design or mailings.

It has an easy and quick to use template editor with hundreds of them to choose the design that best suited to the needs of each business.

In addition, it is an email marketing platform available in both Spanish and English whose support team has all the means to communicate, which is undoubtedly a great advantage.

It includes additional features for your marketing activities that can be very useful to complement your mailing strategy, such as sending SMS messages and push notifications, as well as the possibility of creating forms for potential customers to subscribe to your communications.

The tool offers different types of paid plans according to the needs of your business, although you can previously add up to 500 contacts and get to know all the features for 3 months with your free trial.

Conclusion: Boost your business with Email Marketing

In conclusion, a good email marketing platform is a key part of any digital marketing strategy.

By taking advantage of email marketing and Inbound Marketing tools, your business can significantly improve its communication and deliverability with current and potential customers.

Detailed tracking, advanced message personalization, and the ability to running campaigns with detailed segmentation are just a few of the tangible benefits.

In addition, with email automation, it is possible to deliver the right message at the right time and without excessive manual workload.

On the other hand, data analysis and user behavior monitoring are essential to adjust your contact lists and maximize the effectiveness of your marketing channels. With these tools, the strategy becomes more dynamic and adaptable to market responses. Do not hesitate to contact us and discover how together we can take your business to the next level.