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August 21, 2019

How Data Value can help our business

Albert Gauchia
Digital Strategist

Many companies claim to have Business intelligence, but in reality they don't take into account data such as user behavior or customer service data to improve their business. A business is much more than transactions, it also has to do with how it directs traffic and from which channels, how they become its customers and with what value.

What is data value?

We could define the Data Value Like the value derived from data processing through different analyses that help us to resolve a series of situations. El analysis of these data they help us create value for our business.

To make the analysis process more efficient, we can use an analysis tool that collects and visualizes your data in relation to the objectives. This will give us a very valuable view of our company's performance.

Companies that adapt to new technologies, automation, Big Data, Machine Learning and innovation are gaining market share and overtaking companies that have been slower, or those that have failed to adapt to digital changes. For example, some of the biggest and most important companies in the world (Amazon, Facebook, Apple) are data technology companies.

Companies that understand the true value of their data and leverage it with advanced analytics technologies are experiencing continuous growth.

How can Data Value help our business?

  • Use data for decision-making.
  • Provide an overview of business performance in real time.
  • Get information on customer behavior.
  • Optimize operations.
  • Sending automatic reports.
  • Estimation of the sales portfolio.
  • Analyze the time spent on activities.

The possibilities are endless, so there is always a need for analysis.

The purpose of Data Value is to support business decision makers with relevant data to make the most optimal choice depending on your needs.

If we implement this data in the Marketing Dashboards it will make it much easier for us to “read”, we will visualize the data through graphs, tables, percentages, and other visual effects. All of this data translates into knowledge for the company and can be understood by all employees of the company.

Data Value para los negocios

How can we take advantage of Data-Value?

Value for delivering customer experiences

Marketing departments want to offer great customer experiences to improve the customer-brand relationship and establish more emotional bonds. But in order to achieve this, Marketing experts must know exactly who their customers are and what their behavior is. In order to have all this information, we need to know the Customer Journey, because it is usually very diverse and fragmented. It is very important to convert this data into value so that, later, marketing experts allow the customer to enjoy a great brand experience.

Real value of insights

Over the past few months, we have been able to hear and read in various media outlets that data is a great asset for companies, this is the era of data. There is no shortage of numbers, variables or statistics. However, the ability to make sound decisions is often lacking. Marketing professionals must be able to identify the right data about people, channels, devices, locations... And once identified, they must be contextualized in terms of behavior and demographics to effectively guide the planning of marketing campaigns.

Value of the best decisions

Once marketers have collected all the insights about their audience, they need to know what they want to do with that information. It's important to give consumers what they want when they want it.

Monetary value

If marketing and advertising are optimized through data, the customer experience it will surely be much larger, helping us to increase revenues, reduce costs and increase opportunities to experiment and innovate.

Value based on data

If we want the customer to be above everything else, we have to prioritize data. These are the basis for creating business value.

As much of the data refers to people, one of the points we want to highlight is that companies must be transparent about what data they use, who uses it and for what purpose. Every company must be governed by the Data Protection Act of their country.

How can we help you?

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact contact us.

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