73% more users in 4 months thanks to marketing, strategy and technology services

Sinclair Pharma

The Challenge

After the initial workshop to define the project and its characteristics with the global marketing team of Sinclair Pharma and its team in Spain, it was clear that Sinclair Pharma needed a solution that could increase awareness and interest in treatments, while explaining how treatments work. To achieve this with an easy and simple content editor experience, Novicell suggested Umbraco Premium.

  • The process
    For Sinclair Pharma, it was essential to publicize its treatments and build trust around them, to help the consumer decide which treatment is right for him and to allow him to find the nearest clinic to perform the treatment.
  • Managing multiple websites through the same CMS
    With a corporate website, a wide range of branded product sites and consumer sites, Sinclair Pharma was clear that it needed a simple CMS that could manage multiple websites. To solve this problem, Sinclair Pharma chose Umbraco with Novicell Umbraco Premium.
  • Regulatory requirements
    As a truly global company within the pharmaceutical industry, which has different laws, rules and regulations in each country, it was important for Sinclair Pharma to have a CMS that could manage both local legislative requirements and diverse content. Novicell Umbraco Premium offers a solution for this case and helps Sinclair Pharma to comply with legislation in all countries.

The Solution

  • Multisite creation: we identify the need for multiple types of websites, for non-branded, branded and corporate websites. Each type of site needed a different look, as their audience and objectives were different.
  • Implementing “before and after” Sliders
  • Search for clinics
  • Increase web traffic: Sinclair Pharma wanted Novicell to help them increase traffic and engagement on one of their websites using our SEO service. They have a large portfolio of websites that we are helping them with, but the one we started with had some technical problems. By solving some of the problems and optimizing the page, we achieved really good annual results.
  • Some of the activities we carried out were the correction of broken links, the updating of redirecting links, the removal of unseo-friendly content, as well as some optimizations on the page, including the adjustment of metadata. All of this helped to improve the results.
  • PPC Campaigns: Search campaigns and display campaigns were developed, geolocating them in very specific cities and regions of Spain, depending on the clinics to be promoted. The campaigns had the purpose of promoting not only specific clinics and doctors, but also specific aesthetic treatments. For this reason, it was necessary to develop a deep knowledge of the services themselves, in order to use very specific and specific keywords and audiences.


  • 73% increase in users in 4 months
  • 76% increase in new users in 4 months
  • 70% increase in new sessions
  • 31% increase in the completion of objectives
  • 612 leads received in Spain alone (My Aesthetic Clinic) in just 8 months