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August 26, 2024

Intelligent eCommerce Search: Key Trends and Platforms for 2024

Estefanía Izaguirre
Marketing Specialist

In the competitive world of eCommerce, the Smart search becomes an essential tool for capturing customer attention. A well-designed search becomes the compass that guides customers to what they need. Companies now face the challenge of offering intuitive and effective search experiences that meet the expectations of digital consumers.

La artificial intelligence transforms the way users search online. In 2024, trends mark a clear direction towards personalizing and optimizing each interaction, allowing for a smoother and more satisfying shopping experience.

In this article, we address the key concepts, emerging trends, and leading platforms that define intelligent search in eCommerce. In addition, we explore how these innovations maximize conversions and what it takes to select the right platform for your business.

What is intelligent search in eCommerce?

It refers to tools and technologies that help to understand what users really want when searching for products online. They use an advanced approach to better understand the words and phrases people use, even if they are complex or subtle.

Instead of just matching words, these technologies can interpret the intent behind the search, making finding what you need easier and faster. They represent a qualitative leap compared to traditional ones.

Benefits for eCommerce

With smart searches, online stores see a notable increase in conversion rates by connecting customers to what they are really looking for, thus improving the user experience and reducing the bounce rate.

In contrast to traditional searches, which offer results based solely on keyword matches, intelligent searches understand and anticipate the user's needs, leading to faster and more satisfying purchase decisions.

Top eCommerce Trends in 2024: Overview

Within the e-commerce landscape, intelligent search is positioned as an essential element for success in 2024. These solutions are powered by machine learning and predictive analytics, where the way users find products and services online is advancing every day.

We'll explore how each of these trends is defining the immediate future of e-commerce.

Integration of artificial intelligence into search platforms

Within the world of digital marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) is now more than ever integrated into search platforms, with the objective of understanding and predicting the needs of users.

He has the ability to learn from previous interactions, which gives him the ability to continuously and constantly improve the results presented to each of them.

The use of advanced chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants to search for products reinforces both efficiency and user experience, delivering accurate and relevant answers.

Visual optimization and image quality

Visual optimization and image quality play a crucial role in intelligent searches. It has been proven that high-quality images increase user engagement and enhance the buying process.

eCommerce platforms now use technologies that improve the visualization of their products, offering 360-degree views and augmented reality, so that users can virtually experience products before buying.

Omnichannel strategies for a seamless experience

Intelligent search is also complemented by omnichannel strategies. This means that the shopping experience is smooth and seamless, no matter what channel is used, whether online or in a physical store. By integrating different platforms, users can easily move between them, improving their overall shopping experience.

This eases the customer journey, allowing for a consistent shopping experience. Synchronizing data between channels ensures that the user experience is personalized and continuous.

Real-Time Personalization

Real-time personalization is a gold standard in modern intelligent search. Adjust search results according to each user's previous buying behaviors, providing a much more relevant experience. Data analysis and machine learning allow platforms to dynamically adjust each user's experience

According to a study, the 80% of consumers are more likely to buy when brands offer personalized experiences. Not only does this approach improve relevance, but it also significantly increases the chances of conversion and encourages customer loyalty.

Searching for a Treasure. Treasure search map. illustrated by DALL·E 3.

Star platforms for intelligent search

The platforms that lead this field not only They produce fast and relevant results, but also Adjust its algorithms to personalize each user's experience. These tools become strategic partners for digital businesses, facilitating an optimized buying journey and offering an unparalleled user experience. Next, we'll explore four prominent platforms.


Algolia stands out for offering a search solution that shines with its speed and customization. It incorporates sophisticated algorithms that allow online stores to deliver search results with impressive speed, almost in real time.

But speed isn't its only appeal; Algolia allows for deep customization, tailoring search results to individual user behaviors and preferences. This translates into a more attractive and effective user experience, which encourages engagement and encourages customer loyalty

When to choose Algolia?

Algolia is ideal for companies that need an ultra-fast and highly customizable search. If your business requires handling large volumes of queries in real time without sacrificing accuracy, Algolia is an excellent option.


The second on the list is Klevu, a platform that uses the artificial intelligence (AI) to increase relevance and personalization in the search. Klevu analyzes user behavior to understand their intentions and delivers results that go beyond keywords, linking products and content relevant to each consumer. Klevu's AI continuously learns and adjusts to emerging store trends, constantly optimizing the shopping experience.

When to choose Klevu?

Klevu is the perfect choice if your priority is an intelligent search that adapts and improves over time. Its focus on AI makes it ideal for companies looking to optimize the relevance of results and adapt quickly to changing market trends.

If your online store benefits from dynamic personalization and a deeper understanding of user intentions, Klevu offers a significant advantage.


Coveo is presented as a search solution that offers an experience contextual and multichannel. This platform uses AI to provide search results that take into account the user's full context: from their browsing history to their previous interactions on all channels. Coveo ensures that each search is an extension of the individual conversation with the customer, providing accurate and personalized results, facilitating an integrated and cohesive customer journey.


Finally, we found the Doofinder, which is distinguished by its ability to speed up the search for products within the online store. Doofinder offers an intelligent search engine designed to understand and anticipate user needs. Through the use of advanced algorithms, this platform helps to quickly discover the most relevant products, improving the shopping experience and contributing to a higher conversion rate for e-commerce.

In conclusion, these platforms play a critical role in the transformation of online shopping experiences, being not only search tools, but true drivers of growth and customer satisfaction in this dynamic world of e-commerce. Choosing the right platform can mean a significant boost for the competitiveness and evolution of a digital business.

Looking for a shooting star. Telescope searches for stars in the galaxy. illustrated by DALL·E 3.

Convert More: From Clicks to Conversions

In today's e-commerce dynamic, intelligent search acts as a powerful catalyst for conversions. The faster and more efficient the search, the greater the sales, making this tool essential for online success.

It also simplifies the buying process by taking the user directly to what they are looking for or by suggesting related products that they may not have considered. Data indicates that the faster and more efficient the search mechanism, the higher the conversion rates, making intelligent search a key ingredient for successful digital commerce.

Key elements of personalization

  • Product recommendations based on past purchases: Use a customer's purchase history to suggest products that might be of interest to them. Recommendation systems, such as those used by Amazon and other large retailers, analyze items that a customer has previously purchased and look for buying patterns.
  • Suggestions adjusted for real-time browsing behavior: This technique involves tracking and analyzing a user's behavior while browsing a website in real time. As a customer explores different pages, products or categories, the system adjusts the suggestions for products or content presented to them, based on their current interest.
  • Personalized offers and promotions emerging during the search: It focuses on capturing the user's attention with personalized offers and promotions that appear while browsing or searching on a website. By using data from purchase history, browsing behavior and stated preferences, the system can generate pop-ups or banners that offer specific discounts, limited-time promotions or products that match the user's interests.

Real-time results

Each user receives a list of products specifically tailored to their interests and needs, increasing the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

The systems use a variety of data, including browsing histories, previous purchases, and user preferences to dynamically adjust search results.

Increased relevance in the user experience

Relevance is fundamental to the user experience within e-commerce and digital marketing. An intelligent search ensures that users find what they need effortlessly, resulting in a more satisfying and efficient user experience. Smart search engines filter and sort products using criteria such as popularity, review ratings, and buying trends, and more. Such a user-centered approach not only encourages greater customer satisfaction but also strengthens brand loyalty and repeat visits to the store.

Improved navigation and site accessibility

Finally, an intuitive search interface supports accessibility, allowing users with different skill levels to easily find what they are looking for. This includes: autofill search bars, intelligent filters that simplify product selection, and responsive design suitable for mobile and desktop devices.

How to Choose the Best Smart Search Platform for Your eCommerce

Now, we are faced with a common question when choosing our main collaborator. To achieve this, it is essential to identify the specific needs of your online store and analyze factors such as customer service if you need support or even visibility in search engines. Below, we'll break down essential criteria to consider in this process.

Needs Assessment

First, clearly define your business objectives and requirements. Ask yourself what problems you want to solve with Smart Search and what results you expect to get. Some key features may include the autocompletion and error correction, for a quick and frustration-free search. Filtering and recommendations, which is crucial for personalizing the product offering to the customer. And finally the analysis of user behavior, which allows you to adjust the sales and marketing strategy.

Make an inventory of your products and evaluate the complexity of your catalog. This will help you understand if you need a more robust and sophisticated system to handle a large volume of information and references.

Technical Considerations

The platform you choose should not only adapt to the current needs of your business, but also to be able to accompany you in future growth. To ensure the long-term success of your eCommerce, it's important to consider the following aspects when choosing a platform:

  • Scalability: Make sure that the platform can grow with your business, allowing for expansion according to future needs.
  • Ease of Integration: Verify that the platform is easily integrated with other systems, ensuring uninterrupted operation.
  • Technical Support: Good customer support is key when choosing a platform. Make sure that technical support is efficient, available in your time zone and in your language, to resolve issues quickly.

Costs and ROI

The investment in an intelligent search platform must be aligned with the expected return on investment (ROI). It analyzes the total cost of ownership, including implementation, operation and maintenance. Contrast these costs with projected benefits, such as: Increased conversion rates, reduced bounce rate and increase in average order value.

Innovations to follow in 2024 and beyond

  1. Voice Search: Voice interaction becomes a standard, further reducing barriers between the user and the desired product.
  2. AI-based personalization: Recommendation systems that adapt in real time to customer actions and feedback.
  3. Augmented Reality for Searches: It integrates interactive visual elements to help visualize products in real environments before purchase.
  4. Visual Searches: The ability to search and compare products using images instead of text.

These innovations not only improve the user experience when browsing the online store, but they also optimize conversion rates by offering a deeper connection between the customer's desires and the products they find.

Impact of continuous improvement on the customer experience

Focusing on continuous improvement of intelligent search processes has a direct and powerful effect on the customer experience, such as increasing customer satisfaction, reducing the cart abandonment rate or increasing loyalty.

In short, e-commerce is moving towards a paradigm in which each search interaction refines the understanding of the customer experience, generating a virtuous cycle of improving the shopping experience and business growth.

Searching for Clues. Detective in search of information. illustrated by DALL·E 3.illustrated by DALL·E 3.

Future of Smart Search in eCommerce

Smart search in eCommerce has gone from being a complement to becoming a key driver for customer satisfaction and increased sales. In 2024, these searches act as virtual assistants that understand natural language, with predictive analysis and offer solutions before the customer finishes asking.

As technologies advance and are perfected, smart searches will not only be an indispensable tool, but they will become the standard expected on all eCommerce platforms. Preparing for this future is crucial to staying competitive in a constantly evolving digital environment.

Novicell can help you

Remember: choosing the right search platform is essential for the success of your eCommerce. In Novicell, we are here to help you make the best decision, adapted to your needs and ready for the future.