Social media analysis to understand brand awareness within CrossFit


The Challenge

The brand that has an agreement with CrossFit (a trademark that designates a training method that combines weight lifting and sprints) wanted to know how much it related to each competitor within the Crossfit territory, in addition to detecting, knowing and evaluating which actions worked the most.

The Solution

Novicell previously met with Reebok to learn what their needs were and what aspects they should pay more attention to when practicing Social Listening.

Then we configured our monitoring tool (Talkwalker) with the previously established Keywords, to know what was being said about Crossfit within the digital world and how each brand positioned itself (to detect what their specialization was). We analyze the different conversations collected in the different online media and social networks. Once all the data had been collected and analyzed, a monitoring report was prepared whose objective was to provide a series of actionable recommendations to be included in the Reebok communication and to continue to be well positioned around CrossFit.

Improve Positioning

The study allowed Reebok to learn how to increase brand awareness.

Meet the Competition

Knowledge of the competition allowed us to improve and create a new Digital Strategy.

Detect opportunities

Through the analysis, new business opportunities were discovered.


  • 14,050 Conversations Analyzed
  • 4,890 Users analyzed
  • 25+ Improvement Insights detected