All about Mobile Content, mobile-focused content

There has already been a lot of talk about the need to have a mobile-friendly website and, recently, we published an article on What is Mobile-first and how it affects the way Google will index content. This time we show you what factors you can improve in the creation of content adapted to mobile beyond responsive and its SEO optimization.
Mobile content: Much more than mobile optimization
First of all, let's be clear about two issues: It's not enough to have a mobile-friendly website for the user to choose your content. Nor is it enough that you have a very fast loading speed or that you have even implemented Google's AMP (Accelerate Mobile Pages). We have to think about the Moments that the user is experiencing and anticipate them. Google made this video about Momentos mobile.
We could divide mobile moments into 4 categories:
- “I want to know”
- Informational content focused on resolving a user's questions or concerns about a topic, product or service.
- “I want to go or call”
- The user is looking for a way to get to a place, in this case having a Google My Business listing can help, and having call buttons and maps embedded in the web as well.
- “I want to do”
- Tutorials, recipes, methods... Images, videos, lists of steps are important here...
- “I want to buy”
- The user wants to make a purchase, so all the steps to complete the transaction must be comfortable and uncomplicated.
Structure mobile-friendly
Every time the smartphone user is more expert and performs more specific searches according to their needs. So, putting ourselves in the shoes of the user we want to target and their mobile moment, we will realize that they are looking for specific content and that we must provide the best possible.

The structure of the content is fundamental, without it, the user perceives the web in a chaotic way and cannot find the information they are looking for. For content to be useful, the structure has to be clear and concise. Here are some of the things to consider:
- 3-step structure (also called The Bite, the Snack and the Meal): Title, initial summary and full article.
- Separate paragraphs with captions: Leaving the necessary space for the user helps them to read, naming the sections with an appropriate subtitle makes it possible to place them in the content. If we can also provide you with a table of contents, all the better (especially in those longer articles).
- Do not justify the text: It looks very tidy on paper and also on the desktop screen. In content to read on the mobile phone, it is best to avoid it, since the proportion of the text is higher and the spaces between words are too empty.
- Create lists: With bullet points or numbered, it depends on the case.
- Language Economics: Using direct language is useful when it comes to reading on a smartphone. The small screen size and the speed with which content is consumed makes it necessary to use vocabulary with few frills. Let's not forget that the reader wants to arrive at specific information.
- Reading pattern in F: The reading pattern in F, the result of studies by eye tracking created by Nielsen illustrate the importance of where the most important content should be placed on a website.
- Style: It is recommended that the font size be at least 12 and that bold type be used to highlight relevant content.
Images and videos
Needless to say, images are necessary in any web content, optimized with adequate compression and quality to attract the user. However, we must not forget the video. A report released by Ericsson last November estimates that, in 2023, 75% of mobile device traffic will be in video format. So this format will be necessary on any website if you want to have visitors.

If you don't have time to create content, our team does it for you. Contact our Content Marketing team and we will help you.
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