New online presence to improve Excedo's brand awareness


The Challenge

Despite having investors with very strong global brands, Excedo started from scratch and needed to build its brand awareness as well as a customer base.

As a startup, Excedo needed a completely new website that would start at a very basic level and would eventually become a truly global solution with advanced features aimed at generating leads and informing potential customers.

As an online platform, digital marketing has been key to generating new business and leads through the web and registrations for events. Advertising and visibility were also important priorities and needed to be continuously optimized to generate traffic and sales.

Excedo wanted to bring the product to the Japanese market as a pilot test and focus on companies in the first phase of the project. To get there, they worked with Novicell to build an online presence and an initial customer base.

The Solution

Novicell implemented a complete channel strategy to create a website with all aspects of the marketing mix integrated online that met Excedo's business objectives and KPIs. This methodology has allowed Excedo to launch its platform in the best possible way and lay the foundations for future digital actions for its international expansion.

Online Advertising

Advertising through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, YouTube Advertising, Yahoo Japan Promotional Ads and Twitter Ads to increase brand awareness and advertise eBooks, events and webinars.


Configuring remarketing flows in the corresponding channels to target website visitors and bring them back to the customer journey to convert them into a conversion.

International SEO

International SEO strategy, content translation and implementation of keywords on both the international and Japanese websites.

Performance Management

Implementation of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to track KPIs and PIs. The necessary third-party tracking pixels are also implemented through the Google Tag Manager.

Robust Drupal Platform

Transform brand guidelines into a digital experience that was eventually implemented in Drupal — an open source, unlicensed and scalable CMS that offers high performance on a global scale.



  • 24% increase in organic traffic to the new website
  • 96% increase in keyword rankings in Japan
  • 1,909% increased visibility


  • 226% increase in click-through rate
  • 73% reduction in the average cost per click
  • 50% increase in the number of views in the YouTube campaign
  • 89% reduction in cost per conversion