What can companies learn from Netflix Digital Marketing?

If a company stands out for its Content marketing This is Netflix, the world's leading Internet entertainment platform. Netflix provides a monthly flat rate for streaming content, mainly series, movies and documentaries.
Netflix has already surpassed 125 million subscribers worldwide.

Companies can learn a lot from Netflix, for example, how it prepares and targets content for its users, building a large audience.
What can companies learn from Netflix related to Online Marketing?
1- The customer comes first:
The user is at the center of Netflix's creative strategy. Users can enjoy their content whenever and wherever they want. Netflix can be viewed on mobile devices, on computers and also on the TV through a Smart TV, a game console, Apple TV or Chromecast, etc... You can even enjoy downloading the content to watch later and without an Internet connection.
It is worth mentioning that this platform has no permanence, if the user decides that Netflix is not for him, there is no problem, he can unsubscribe and cancel the line whenever he wants and without obligation.
2- Content strategy is key
Netflix wants everyone to have access to its platform without any limitations, it has several subscription plans for all types of budgets: basic, standard and premium.

Netflix's communication is impeccable, but above all creative, it never leaves anyone indifferent, The customer experience is fascinating. Proof of this is their communication on social networks, their messages are taken care of down to the smallest detail. All the images and videos they share on their channels are content adapted from movies, series or documentaries that they broadcast on their platform. We can also see how they respond to their audience on Twitter with gifs created especially for each question and comment. They do not use third-party resources for their communication.

One of the strengths of this platform is the time spent dedicated to the strategy and creation of original and exclusive content to provide a good customer experience.
Las Digital Marketing techniques that they use are focused on attracting new users, but at the same time, retaining existing ones.
One of the best actions within your communication strategy to attract the user's attention and then capture it, is the one-month trial period. The user can enjoy all the content of the platform for thirty days completely free of charge. Netflix is so convinced that its contents are so good that the user will end up signing up on its platform.
As we have said, the content and the way it is shared is what matters most, but always adapting it to the users. Have you seen that they have created Facebook pages and Twitter profiles for some of their series with exclusive content?
In the end, it boils down to being where our audience is.
3- Data is everything for Netflix
Data is the foundation of Netflix's business model. Thanks to the data, Netflix is able to know the behavior of users within its platform.
It should be noted that Netflix content is focused solely and exclusively on each user, no two users watch the same content, this is what makes Netflix different.
The habits of users when it comes to selecting and viewing content are fundamental to predicting their behavior. This includes what time of day the user connects the most, what type of movies they choose, the time they spend searching for and selecting a series or movie, even the frequency at which they stop playing.
When we first sign up for Netflix, they force us to select some movie or series titles within their content. All this information allows the platform to analyze its consumers and provide them with relevant and highly personalized content.
Let's not forget that Netflix doesn't have all the movies and series on the market, but when we search for a movie, if it's not on the platform, it recommends similar movies so that we can continue to enjoy it and don't perceive it as a bad experience.
The user also occasionally receives an email with personalized content suggesting and recommending movies and series based on their previous viewing history. Normally, what these suggestions do is make the user click on the content, which generates an even greater commitment to the platform.
Thanks to the artificial intelligence and Big Data, Marketing is becoming less subjective.

In the end, the key to success comes down to differentiation, content quality and customer satisfaction. Netflix is dedicated to understanding and providing value to its audience. An example of a satisfied customer is one who, when the price of a service is raised, he doesn't get upset because they are offering him what he expects. If Netflix raises the price of its services, we probably won't be as upset as if our Internet provider raises it.
Netflix is a clear example of the fact that simplicity works the most, and they have studied their Buyer Persona very well.
Nowadays, there are different platforms that help us to study our Buyer persona, and in addition, they allow us to offer adapted and personalized content for each of them. One of the most used is Sitecore (web content management system focused on customer experience).
As we have seen before, Big Data is key to being able offer personalized content to our users. This personalization will help us differentiate ourselves from our competition.
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