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January 16, 2020

The top Facebook tricks of 2020

Jaume Alsina
Digital Operations

Facebook is a social network that is in constant development. Rumor has it that Zuckerberg and his team will soon launch a series of beta tests, including the removal of “Like” buttons from the platform. Needless to say, today If you don't promote your posts on Facebook, you may not reach your entire target audience.

Therefore, it's important that you perfect your strategy and advertising on Facebook. Click prices and competition are not reduced.

Larry Kim, an expert in the field, gave a talk about his Most used Facebook tricks at the INBOUND19 conference. Below we want to share 3 of the tricks that impressed us the most in his presentation:

1 - Inverted Unicorn Method:

Segmentation strategy that doubles Facebook's relevance score

Yes, this was also new to us, but after listening to Larry Kim talk about the Inverted unicorn method in ad segmentation, we saw a new opportunity when it came to segmenting our ads on Facebook. The method is simple, we must be creative and rethink the way in which we want to segment. For example:

Let's imagine that we “sell” an email marketing platform, so our target audience would be people who have a high interest in email marketing and marketing in general. Outside of this (relatively large) target group, you would also like to impact those people who work daily with email in a Marketing department. This is called two correlated variables, since there is a great (and quite obvious) connection between your professional interests and your job position. So, your audience looks like this:


Método del unicornio invertido de Larry Kim


As you can see, you have a total audience based, for example, on interest and then a subset based, for example, on the title of the position. But if we use this segmentation, the ads become generic and this makes the user not feel very special, but is just one more. We see tons of ads that play with our profession, work life, etc. These are particularly unattractive ads that make us not feel like giving a “Like”.

Personal ads should be created focused on your target audience. Therefore, as advertisers, you must work and target your ads to capture the audience's attention so that they end up converting.

With the “invented unicorn method of ad targeting”, it's about moving away from correlated, safe and boring variables, and instead exploring completely uncorrelated interests that can produce remarkable ads. Let's go back to the previous example:

You have a company that sells a license for an email marketing platform. Therefore, you perceive your target audience as people who have an interest in email marketing and marketing in general. But now the idea is, instead of creating an audience with only correlated interests (for example, users who use email marketing) we are going to target two completely different interests, for example: people who are interested in Game of Thrones without any direct link to email marketing. So, your audience looks like this:


potencial público objetivo método del unicornio invertido


This type of audiences provide exceptionally high engagement rates and are great for conversion. You personalize and create ads where the user will feel special and will believe that the ad has been created especially for them. The disadvantage is, of course, that this type of advertising aimed at the target audience requires more creative work. First you have to come up with some exciting and significant uncorrelated variables, and then you have to prepare the content for these microsegments. But we can assure you one thing, if you don't try it you won't know if it works.

Below you can see an example of the Inverted Unicorn Method:


ejemplo del método del unicornio invertido con Juego de Tronos




2 - Say no to regular Facebook ads

Larry Kim's message was simple: “You have a small advertising budget, so leave regular campaigns and focus 100% on remarketing.” Why? On average, The expected CTR for remarketing ads is 3 to 5 times higher and the conversion rate is the same. For most companies, around 70% of all conversions come from remarketing audiences, which in most cases only account for 10% to 20% of media spending. Therefore, if the budget is tight, it can be of great value to redistribute media spending again and focus 100% on remarketing.

The risk of remarketing is that in the long term we can saturate our audience. For this reason, Larry Kim also recommended allocating part of the Facebook ads budget to invest in other growth efforts, for example: offline activities, guerrilla marketing, etc. Basically what we are looking for is to try to make the group of people who already know us bigger and then use that money to convert.

3 - Relational Service (Relational Marketing)

This type of marketing may seem daunting, but relationship marketing can be good business if you find “the right partner”. Relationship marketing is not limited to relationships with your customers or potential customers, but it is also based on cooperation and mutual benefit between your suppliers, distributors, employees, etc.

In other words, you need to sell other companies' products and services. However, the key point is to know how to find someone who is not a direct competitor, it is important to identify someone who has a complementary product or service to the one you offer.

Larry Kim himself showed an example of how he uses Relationship Marketing. He has used this service together with his “friend” Neil Patel. The two are not direct competitors, but they are aimed at the same target. PPC marketing and SEO. By advertising for Neil Patel and, at the same time, letting him advertise for Larry Kim, both experienced a time lapse in the efficiency of their ads and organic publications while benefiting from the affinity of their audiences.

This type of marketing is similar to influencer marketing, it helps you create remarketing groups allowing your “friends” to send a lot of relevant traffic to your website.

It is important to note that this means not only talking about pure paid advertising, but it can also be used to organically share messages from others.

So you should look ahead and start looking for complementary companies and partners within your industry from which you can benefit positively. You'll also save a little on the effort of creating content, since your “colleague and colleague” will make and publish content that suits your target audience, but they'll be the ones who have done the hard work of writing it. Are you ready for Relationship Marketing?


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