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June 27, 2024

INP, the new Core Web Vitals metric: a complete guide

Pierre Deteuf
SEO Specialist

In the changing world of SEO, a new metric is making its way among specialists and amateurs alike. INP, acronyms that may not sound familiar to you yet, but that promise to be the center of numerous digital marketing conversations in the very near future.

While Google never ceases in its quest to improve the user experience, SEO professionals must adapt quickly to these changes, and this is where the INP metric comes into play.

But what is INP and how is it different from previously established indicators such as the First Input Delay (FID)?

A deep understanding of these metrics arouses interest, so it becomes a must for those who want to keep their websites at the top of search results.

The importance of speed and interactivity has never been more decisive in the perception of quality that users receive when browsing.

Whether you're an SEO expert or someone starting your journey to website optimization, understanding the INP and its application can give you the advantage you're looking for in this competitive environment.

What is INP?

INP, short for Input Neutrality Period, is an emerging metric that Google is introducing to evaluate the responsiveness of web pages. Unlike the FID (First Input Delay) metric that examined only the first user interaction, INP considers all the interactions that the user performs while browsing.

A classic car panel in a retro design, with gauges and dials. DALL-E

This means that it is not limited to measuring the first click, but it analyzes each event of user interaction with the site, such as clicks, keyboard inputs and mouse movements.

The purpose of INP is to provide a more comprehensive measure of how users actually experience responsiveness and fluency when interacting with content once the page has loaded.

In this way, INP is positioned as a granular indicator representative of “user experience”.

INP is of special importance for several reasons:

  • It is an indicator of user experience more complete and reliable.
  • Promotes the importance of optimizing websites to achieve a user interaction more agile.
  • It is likely to significantly influence the search rankings, since Google continues to prioritize user satisfaction.

In conclusion, INP is a performance metric focused on improving interactivity and user experience on the web.

Difference between INP and FID

Google's metric, INP (Interaction to Next Paint), is a new indicator that measures user responsiveness and experience on web pages.

Unlike FID (First Input Delay), INP offers a broader view of user interactions, not limited to the first input.

Difference between INP and FID

INP emerges as a key metric for evaluating user experience by measuring load times and site responses more effectively.

Slow interactions and loading speed are fundamental aspects for user satisfaction and, therefore, for SEO positioning.

How to improve the INP of your website?

To improve your website's INP (Interaction to Next Paint), it's important to follow a series of practices focused on optimizing responsiveness and user experience. Here are some key strategies:

  • Reduce the size of images: It uses compressed formats and serves appropriately sized images to different devices.
  • Compress CSS and JavaScript code: Use minification tools to reduce the weight of your code files and improve load times.
  • Use a CDN: A content delivery network can distribute your site's content more quickly and effectively to global users.
  • Minimize the use of JavaScript: Critically evaluates the JavaScript code and libraries used to eliminate what is not necessary and optimize what remains.
  • Avoid unnecessary redirections: Redirections extend load times; avoid them whenever possible.
  • Optimize your CMS: Make sure that your content management system is configured to provide optimal Core Web Vitals performance.

Finally, measure and improve using specialized tools such as PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, and the Core Web Vitals Chrome extension.

These tools can help you accurately evaluate the INP and other crucial performance aspects, allowing for a constant review and adaptation of your website.

How does the INP affect your SEO strategy?

The Google Interaction to Next Paint (INP) metric plays a crucial role in SEO strategy, affecting both the user experience and the SEO of the page.

Although its improvement does not directly ensure a better ranking, it is essential for usability and increased web traffic.

Since March 12, 2024, the INP has shown the following overview in terms of SEO:

  • User Experience: A good INP means fast and fluid interactions, increasing user satisfaction and encouraging greater permanence on the site.
  • Page Usability: Late results in initial loads or slow interactions can frustrate visitors, hurting the chances of conversion and repeat visits.
  • Web Positioning: The better the INP of a page, the greater Google's perception of its quality, influencing search engine rankings.

To act now to optimize the INP is to anticipate to resolve possible weaknesses, thus maintaining healthy traffic levels and a good position in Google's results.

It is important to evaluate this metric together with the First Input Delay (FID), to maintain exceptional web performance in terms of the main metrics that Google Search uses to determine the user's experience on the page.

How can I know the INP of my website?

To know the INP of your website, which measures how responsive it is to user interactions, you can make use of tools such as Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights.

These services provide comprehensive reports of your website's performance and will help you keep up to date with performance metrics relevant to search engines.

Here's a simple list of steps to check your site's INP:

  1. Access PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse.
  2. Enter the URL of your website.
  3. Run the analysis to receive the performance report, which will include the INP.
  4. Review the results that will show you what the charging experience is like and interplay with your site.

Also, don't forget that Google Search Console it already incorporates the INP metric, allowing you to evaluate and improve your page.

To do so, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to Google Search Console.
  • Navigate to Page experience > Core Web Vitals.
  • Choose between Mobile or Desktop to view the details of your site's INP.

From the March 12, 2024, when INP became a Core Web Vital, is key to ensuring that your website offers a excellent experience to the user and be evaluated favorably by Google in its search rankings.

INP metrics

El INP (Interaction to Next Paint) is an innovative metric from Google that analyzes the global response capacity From one page versus user actions.

Since its implementation, Google has set a new standard by replacing the FID metric (First Input Delay) for a more comprehensive measure of user experience.

The INP focuses on capturing the time it takes for the page to respond to the different interactions, such as clicks, touches and keyboard inputs, providing a tighter view of the real responsiveness during a user's entire visit.

To measure the INP, you can use tools such as PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or the Chrome extension for Core Web Vitals, all designed to provide actionable information and help website owners provide a High quality In the user experience.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

El Time to First Byte (TTFB) is a performance indicator of a website that provides data on how efficiently a browser receives the first byte from the server.

This metric is essential since a prolonged TTFB can have a negative impact on charging times, which in turn affects the user's experience of uploading content.

Therefore, the optimization of the TTFB is a strategic step to promote a satisfactory user experience And of High quality, and it can determine how users perceive the overall quality of a website.

Tools like Google's Lighthouse they'll help you measure TTFB along with other critical metrics to get a bird's-eye view of your site's health.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

El First Contentful Paint (FCP) indicates how quickly the first-time content becomes visible on the screen after sending a request to the server.

This indicator is a priority for estimating the charging speed and for spreading a high-quality user experience by providing significant information in the first few seconds after the page is requested.

We can see that a Fast FCP is indispensable for any website that seeks to deliver a excellent experience to the user from the beginning of their navigation.

It is recommended to monitor the FCP as part of a set of metrics Important secondary schools that complement the global analysis of web performance.

Speed Index (SI)

El Speed Index (YES) quantifies the speed with which the visible elements of a page load and provides a close temporal approximation of how agile the site is in making its content visible.

Understanding the SI is a tunnel to a comprehensive view of how and when the user can begin to interact with visual elements of the site.

The improvement of the SI implies a direct optimization of the user experience, resulting in a user satisfaction also optimized.

Analyzing and working on this metric is elementary for any website focused on the effectiveness of Initial load And the responsiveness.

Time to Interactive (TTI)

The metric of Time to Interactive (TTI) measures the interval it takes for a web page to be fully accessible to the user, from an interactive point of view.

This parameter stands out because of its relevance when measuring when interactive elements of the page are available for the user action.

By evaluating the TTI, fluency can be understood and improved and the user experience, ensuring that every entry is received efficiently and without delay.

Minimizing TTI is a crucial objective for web owners looking to ensure outstanding performance and lag-free browsing.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

El Total Blocking Time (TBT) examines the time in which the page cannot process user interactions, which is interpreted as a period of blocking.

This downtime is indicative of potential bottlenecks that may affect interactivity and occur unexpectedly during a user's visit, which directly translates into a user experience handicapped.

Optimizing TBT is essential since it reveals the moments when the page is not operational and guides designers and programmers to overcome those periods where user satisfaction may decrease.

Conclusion: INP, the solution for your online business

The integration of the Interaction to Next Paint (INP) metric involves a significant change in the SEO field, essential for website owners and digital marketers.

This advanced metric gives us a more holistic understanding of responsiveness and user experience, when evaluating the user interactions Throughout the Initial load and successive on a page.

INP not only focuses on the first point of interaction, as did the FID, but it analyzes each interactive element key for the user, emphasizing the importance of charging times Fast and interactions stimulants. When pursuing a excellent experience, not only does it promote user satisfaction but it also strengthens the search rankings.

The arrival of INP will facilitate the detection of Wrong Javascripts or user actions slow, encouraging the creation of content of High quality and fast and engaging experiences.

The efforts themselves to improve the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), such as image optimization and deferred loading, align websites with Google preferences and directly contribute to better positioning on the web.

The adoption of INP emphasizes the need to prioritize user experience in a digital world increasingly oriented to satisfaction and retention through interfaces Fast and functional.

At Novicell, we understand the importance of INP for your digital business. Our specialists will guide you through this new metric so that your online store can climb to the top.

Contact today with us and discover how we can boost your business.