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July 7, 2023

How to improve conversions in Google Ads

Magalí Ferrari
PPC Specialist

If you're using Google Ads as a technique for Capture potential customers and you want to improve your conversions, this article is a must for you.

Google Ads has established itself as one of the most cost-effective ways to paid advertising, giving companies the ability to reach diverse markets. However, like the entire immense universe of Google, it is in constant transformation. Therefore, it is essential that you are always up to date, to understand the benefits of the new features that this powerful tool offers and to achieve an appropriate configuration of data collection. Remember that the information you collect can determine the performance of your account and directly affect the conversions of your campaigns.

In this article, we present you with some innovative ideas on how to optimally structure your Google Ads account to obtain valuable and qualified conversions for your business.

Modern Search, a trend to boost conversions in Google Ads

Did you already know the concept? Modern Search? This is a strategic approach that promotes a more efficient and adaptable management of search campaigns in Google Ads, using machine learning and automation.

Automation tools in Google Ads, such as Smart Campaigns and Smart Bidding, are gradually replacing manual processes. These types of automations use a large amount of data about your users to help you make important decisions such as bidding on specific searches, showing relevant ads and making automatic updates based on the data collected.

Therefore, it's crucial to provide Google's algorithms and robots with as much valid user data as possible, so they can make wise decisions and optimize your advertising investment.

Google should no longer be seen as a simple advertising tool, but as a business partner that we must keep informed about our business objectives and our customers.

Improved conversions in Google Ads

Las improved conversions are a Google Ads feature that allows you to measure results more precisely and optimize bids more efficiently.

This feature is complemented by the conversion tags you have activated, sending hashed encrypted data specific to the conversions on your website. Thanks to improved conversions, you can achieve a conversion rate in search ads of more than 5%.

To activate improved conversions in Google Ads, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  1. In the upper right corner of the account, click on the tool icon and, in the section Measurement, click on Conversions.
  1. Open the conversion action you want to use Improved conversions.
  1. In the section Improved conversions, located at the bottom, click Activate Improved conversions.

It is important that the source of conversions is directly Google Ads, meaning that you don't import them from Analytics or import them when they are offline conversions.

Improved conversions are only available for Global Site Tag conversion actions and they should not be configured unless the website has a consent banner that demonstrates compliance with the rules of the GDPR and the privacy terms. This is because Google stores data in encrypted form and does not use it without the user's consent.

Google Ads can become a complex tool, and setting up accurate data collection can be a technical challenge. If you have the necessary technical knowledge, you may be able to do so, however, we recommend that you look for the help from a Google advertising specialist.

How to increase conversations in Google Ads

Google continuously emphasizes that its automation tools work best when they work together. There are three tools in Google Ads that are essential: the Smart bid or Smart Bidding, Responsive Search Ads (RSA) and Broad Concordance or Broad Match. We explain each one to you below.

Smart Bid

Smart bidding or “Smart Bidding” Use the user interactions to set the right bid for every search and auction, depending on the ROI objectives. That's why it's important to have optimal user data collection.

Google has developed this service a lot and is currently considered one of the best practices, since it often surpasses manual bidding.

When combined with RSA and broad agreement, intelligent bidding can deliver even better results. In fact, Google research demonstrated a 20% increase in campaign conversions, using smart bidding together with broad agreement and RSA. Therefore, it is advisable to experiment with this combination.

Responsive Search Ads (RSA)

RSAs use machine learning to create search ads with better results, based on the headlines and descriptions you entered.

These ads work in conjunction with smart bidding and broad agreement to deliver more relevant ads to a greater number of user queries and at the right price. This allows you to reach relevant searches where you might not appear if you were using expanded text ads.

Broad agreement

Broad match is the default match type that is assigned to all keywords in Google Ads. This tool allows ads reach a wider audience without having to create an extensive list of keywords.

Broad matching used to have a bad reputation for driving traffic to a lot of irrelevant search terms, but thanks to Google updates, becomes best practice when used together with smart bidding and RSA. In fact, Broad agreement should not be used in conjunction with manual bidding, because it is designed to be used with smart bids, so the bid is set at the query level and not at the keyword level. In other words, you expand the network and let smart bidding decide which auctions to bid on.

The combination of broadly matched keywords with smart bidding and RSA offers Google the opportunity to test a greater combination of different search terms and ad combinations of text.

Remember that before implementing these strategies, it's important to test. If you want to test broad agreement in isolation, Google suggests creating an experiment through the tab “Recommendations” or use a one-click experiment. On the other hand, if you want to experiment with the combination of smart bidding, RSA, and broad agreement, you must create a custom experiment. And if you need help, you can contact our experts, remember that we are an official Google partner.

Configure Google Ads for accurate and valid data

It will be very useful for you to use Google Ads automations to increase conversions, but their effectiveness depends largely on the quality of the data you can collect. Therefore, it is crucial to implement the necessary measures to collect valid first-hand data. The most important thing is to configure:

  • Global site tag conversion actions
  • The banner or consent method
  • Improved conversions
  • Google Analytics 4

The configuration of these elements lays the foundation for Google Ads campaigns to work as they should, especially when automation is used. Otherwise, smart bidding may be bidding on the wrong search terms, the wrong groups or audiences, and at a price that is too high.

It's important to continuously test and experiment with new automation initiatives in order to show the results to stakeholders. While Google's intelligent algorithms are powerful, it's essential to build a solid database before fully launching.

In conclusion, to be successful in Google Ads, it is recommended to take advantage of intelligent bidding, broad agreement and RSA, having a solid database.

Do you need help with Google Ads and GA4?

¡Contact us! At Novicell, we are passionate about helping our clients and keeping up to date with everything that happens within Google Ads and Google Analytics.