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February 12, 2024

Google MUM: artificial intelligence in the search experience

Ignacio Carreras
Digital Marketing Trainee

Innovation and technological advancement are the pillars on which the future of online search is built, and Google MUM (Multitask Unified Model) presents itself as a giant step forward on this path.

This artificial intelligence model, developed by Google, promises to revolutionize the way in which we interact with information on the internet, offering answers more complete, accurate and useful for your users.

In this article, we'll explore how Google MUM is marking a before and after in the search experience, boosting access to information and how it can benefit your digital business.

What is Google MUM and how does it work?

Google MUM is an artificial intelligence technology designed to understand and process information at a much more advanced level than its predecessors.

Unlike previous models, MUM is capable of analyze and understand texts, images, and in the near future, videos and audio, all in 75 different languages. This multitasking capability allows you to provide richer and more detailed answers to your user's queries.

The operation of Google MUM is based on your ability to understand the full context of a question, even if it requires combine knowledge from different sources and formats.

For example, if a user asks how to prepare for a hike on Mount Fuji, Google MUM will not only provide information about Mount Fuji, but will also suggest fitness tips, necessary equipment and weather conditions, all in a single answer.

Advantages of Google MUM in online search

The implementation of Google MUM in the online search experience brings multiple advantages:

More comprehensive and profound answers

Google MUM's innovative approach to finding information redefines the user experience on the internet. Its unique ability to analyze and synthesize data from various sources and formats —whether texts, images or, in the near future, videos and audios— allows Google MUM to deliver rich and profound answers to users.

This means that, when faced with a query, MUM Google does not limit itself to providing an isolated piece of information, but rather groups and presents a comprehensive view of the topic in question, covering all relevant and related aspects.

For users, this translates into a more informed and satisfying search experience, reducing the need for multiple queries to obtain a complete answer.

Better understanding of the context

Google MUM's artificial intelligence stands out for its ability to understand queries in their entirety, capturing not only keywords but also nuances and the context of the topic.

This contextual understanding allows Google's MUM to distinguish the Real intention behind each question, resulting in more accurate and relevant answers to what the user is actually looking for.

For example, faced with a question that can be interpreted in several ways, MUM evaluates the context to determine the specific meaning that the user has in mind, ensuring that the results provided are as appropriate and useful as possible.

This Sensitivity to the context it is valuable in complex queries or when the user is looking for information on topics that cross several disciplines or areas of knowledge.

Multilingual support

One of the most revolutionary features of Google MUM is its multilingual capability. By being able to process and understand information in 75 languages, MUM eliminates language barriers which have traditionally limited access to information.

This capability not only improves the experience of users who speak different languages, but it also enriches the quality of the answers, since MUM can access and combine knowledge from sources in several languages to provide a more complete and detailed answer.

For companies with a global presence or those looking to expand into new international markets, MUM's multilingual capability represents a powerful tool for reaching a wider and more diverse audience, facilitating more effective communication and greater cultural understanding.

The MUM AI revolution in the user experience

MUM AI not only improves the way answers are found, but it also redefines the interaction between users and search engines.

With Google MUM, users can perform complex queries more naturally, as if they were talking to an expert on the subject. This means that companies must optimize their content not only for keywords, but for specific contexts and questions that their audience may have.

Strategies for your digital business with Google MUM

The arrival of Google MUM opens up new opportunities for your digital business. Here are some strategies for making the most of this technology:

Content optimization for complex questions

Focus your content strategy on answering specific questions that your audience may have, considering the context and intent behind these inquiries.

Use multiple formats

Since Google's MUM can analyze different types of content, it's essential diversify the formats of your online content, including texts, images, and eventually videos and audio.

Make your content international

Take advantage of MUM's multilingual capacity to expand your reach to a global audience, offering relevant content in different languages.

Prepare your business for the future with Google MUM

Adapting to Google's MUM is not only a matter of technology, but also of strategy. It is essential to understand how people they use online search to inform themselves and make decisions.

By aligning your content and strategies of SEO with the capabilities of MUM, your business will not only remain relevant, but it will also improve its visibility and engagement in a constantly evolving digital environment.

Conclusion: Google MUM and its impact on your digital business

Google MUM is redefining what it means to search and find information on the Internet. For companies, adapting to this new era means not only optimizing their content, but also reshaping their approach to creating and distributing information online. By taking advantage of the capabilities of MUM, your business can provide more complete, accurate and useful answers, thus improving the user experience and strengthening your online presence.

The integration of MUM into your digital strategy is not only an opportunity to improve your online visibility, but also to connect more effectively with your audience. At Novicell, we have extensive experience helping companies navigate the complexities of SEO and digital marketing. Contact us and find out how we can help you get the most out of Google MUM for your company, by visiting our website.