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May 14, 2024

Find out which is the best WordPress hosting in 2024

Ignacio Carreras
Digital Marketing Trainee

The future of your WordPress project depends on a good foundation: hosting. Understanding what hosting is and how it works is essential for the health of your website. In the following article, we'll explore the best WordPress hosting providers for 2024, prioritizing technical and customer service aspects.

What is WordPress hosting?

Web hosting is essential to give life to any website. Essentially, it consists of a rented space inside a server that a hosting company provides to users.

This virtual server houses all the files and directories necessary for a website to be accessible online.

When we hire a hosting service, we are acquiring the possibility of associating our web project with a domain name through which users they will find us on the Internet.

In addition, it is imperative that the hosting provider offers additional services that ensure the security of our databases and stability of our website.

These include anti-hacking tools, automatic backup, issuance of SSL certificates, and provision of email accounts.

There are different types of hosting, but one of the most common is shared hosting, where multiple websites they coexist on the same server.

However, for those who use WordPress as their content management system (CMS), there are specialized hosting solutions for WordPress, which not only facilitate its installation but are also optimized to ensure the best performance and adequate security of the site.

Choose the hosting that best suits your needs

Choosing the right hosting for WordPress is a fundamental pillar for the success of any website. A good hosting provider not only guarantees a high charging speed, which improves SEO and retains visitors, but it also ensures continuous availability, minimizing drops that could cost customers and sales.

On the other hand, advanced security is becoming a top priority in the digital age. Quality hosting protects against computer attacks with updated security measures and weekly or daily backups, preserving data integrity and user trust.

In addition, specialized technical support and customer service are essential to quickly resolve any technical issue or question that may arise, allowing the owner of the website to focus on business growth.

In short, investing in the best hosting for WordPress means betting on a optimal performance, everyday security and exceptional support, aspects that undoubtedly translate into long-term benefits for any web project.

What should I consider before choosing WordPress hosting?

Selecting the right hosting for WordPress goes beyond simply looking for a affordable price.

It is crucial to ensure that the compatibility between the hosting provider and WordPress to avoid future inconveniences. Upload speed and hosting performance are vital: a good user experience and a favorable search engine ranking depend on it.

Of the available options, look for hosting that specializes in security, including features such as automatic installation of WordPress updates and protection against malware and DDoS attacks.

In addition, it considers the importance of efficiency in terms of Charging speed, the quality of technical support And the ease of customizing resources.

A quality hosting provider for WordPress should offer 24/7 technical support and an intuitive control panel, allowing effective management of web hosting, even for those without previous experience.

24/7 technical support to resolve any issue

In the world of WordPress hosting services, technical support is a pillar. It's particularly crucial when starting a website or while managing one with high traffic.

24/7 support is essential, providing access to WordPress experts ready to resolve any technical issues.

Always opt for service in Spanish, with quick answers, and a professional and trained support team. Good support services can also offer free migrations and be specialized in WordPress, with various contact routes such as tickets, chat and telephone.

Do not hesitate to review opinions and references to evaluate the effectiveness of the support offered.

a person working in customer service - Midjourney

Make daily backups

It's vital to have a hosting control that regularly ensures daily backups of your WordPress website. SiteGround, for example, allows you to control automatic updates and generate backups with each of them.

For its part, WebEmpresa offers web restoration upon contact with customer service and make backups every 4 hours.

LucusHost adds advanced backup tools to the list, performing two daily copies and providing extras such as LiteSpeed Cache and CloudFlare CDN.

A self-respecting hosting should perform daily backups and, ideally, allow the user to manage them on their own, maintaining a guarantee of availability close to 100%.

Hosting plans

When looking at hosting plans, it's important to start with the disk space offered, which usually starts at 5GB, suitable for initial projects.

Consider the number of databases that each plan allows, a variable that can restrict the number of sites you can host.

Costs may vary, even starting from 1 euro per month, depending on the storage, bandwidth and extra features.

You can find free hosting options, but these usually come with them significant limitations.

Data encryption is essential, so a SSL certificate should be standard in your plan, together with a guaranteed uptime of at least 99%.

The best WordPress hosting in 2024

Finding the right hosting for WordPress can make the difference between a fast and reliable website or one full of technical difficulties.

In 2024, competition in the WordPress hosting market continues to grow, but there are some providers that stand out.

Among them, WP Engine, SiteGround, Kinsta and Hostinger. These providers have gained popularity thanks to their advanced technologies, exceptional technical support, and facilities to optimize WordPress performance.

In addition, they offer free migration and high standards of online time, crucial aspects for any website owner.

WP Engine

WP Engine is a hosting provider that resonates strongly in the WordPress community given its reliability, specialization and personalized control.

Use technology EverCache specific to WordPress, which significantly improves the page speed by decreasing server load, improving the user experience.

Although the costs may be higher compared to other hosting, WP Engine justifies the investment with Premium features and a quality of First-class customer support.

However, it is important to consider that it does not provide services of email and accounts are limited. WP Engine continues to position itself in 2024 as a reliable and highly specialized option for WordPress.


SiteGround it is a quality hosting recommended both by users and by the official WordPress page itself, which speaks for itself of its integration and optimization with this platform.

With plans that offer discs High-speed SSD and free SSL certificates, SiteGround is committed to performance and safety. Its Supercache caching system is a formidable performance improvement tool.

In addition, its innovative system Staging allows you to work on significant changes to your website without affecting the production version, until you're completely ready to release the updates.

The different plans cover everything from users with basic needs to those who are looking for a complete and dedicated cloud server.


On the other hand, Kinsta has positioned itself as one of the best hosting providers with premium options for managed WordPress hosting.

This vendor takes advantage of the infrastructure of Google Cloud to offer a functioning impeccable and with high reliability.

Kinsta stands out for its focus on high-level performance, assuring its users a fast and smooth experience.

With Kinsta, you can expect a robust service, with cutting-edge technologies and unmatched technical support, features that make it a favorite choice for serious and professional projects on WordPress.


Last but not least, Hostinger presents itself as an attractive hosting provider for those with a tight budget.

Su Premium hosting plan, ideal for personal projects and small online businesses, is renowned for its accessibility and excellent quality-price ratio.

With the ability to manage 100 websites and 100GB of SSD space, as well as email, domain and SSL support, Hostinger is valued by users looking for an affordable but reliable technical service.

In addition, receiving a 5-star rating in economic hosting categories confirms its position as one of the most competitive suppliers this year.

When selecting WordPress hosting in 2024, it's essential to consider these options and choose the service that best aligns with your needs and requirements of your online project.

Security, performance, technical support, and price are key variables that will guide your choice toward the success of your WordPress site.

Additional services offered by hosting providers

Choosing a hosting provider that offers additional services is not only advantageous, but it can mean significant savings and ease of management for the user.

For example, the ability to hosting several websites in the same hosting is ideal for those who manage multiple websites or who offer maintenance services. This simplifies administration through a single control panel and allows significant economic savings.

In addition, comprehensive domain management is another service to value, since it offers the convenience of being able to register or resell domains directly from the hosting control panel.

This is crucial for those looking for an experience of centralized and hassle-free management.

In terms of security, free SSL certificates have become something almost essential.

Not only do they protect the information that is exchanged on the web, but they are also a factor that influences the SEO positioning. Providers who offer them at no additional cost secure one more point in their favor.

For online stores, it is essential to have plans aimed at enhance and protect its operation.

Hosting services that consider these specific needs, with extra security measures and optimization for e-commerce, will be the most sought after by online business owners.

Finally, the option to migrate from one hosting to another no additional costs can be a deciding factor for many users. Migrating your website can be a complex task and having some providers offer this service for free adds significant value to their offering.

Improve the user experience with adequate bandwidth

Bandwidth is a fundamental technical aspect to consider when choosing a hosting. This determines How much data can be transferred and at what speed, directly affecting the user experience on the web.

Some providers offer non-metered transfer, but it's crucial to evaluate recommendations based on the web traffic to avoid performance surprises.

For growing websites with a lot of multimedia content or with high volumes of traffic, thoroughly evaluating this factor is vital.

data being transferred - Midjourney

What you should consider if you have an online store

Las online stores they benefit from managed hosting specialized in WordPress.

Providers like Hostinger, with optimized functions and secure servers for traffic and online transactions are among the top options for e-commerce.

SiteGround, known for its optimization for WooCommerce and its specialized technical support, is presented as ideal for those looking not only for security and performance but also for good user experience in their online stores.

Conclusion: choose the hosting that best suits your business

In short, selecting the right hosting for WordPress is a decision that should not be taken lightly. The characteristics that should prevail in the choice include a effective technical support, regular backup and first-class customer service.

However, it is not advisable to skimp on costs if this involves sacrificing performance and safety. A large site with a lot of traffic will probably require a more robust hosting plan, such as a dedicated or managed one.

When evaluating hosting providers, it's crucial to pay attention to factors such as loading speed, the availability of sufficient disk space and an intuitive control panel.

In addition, services such as the creation of email accounts, databases, and adequate bandwidth are essential for the maintenance and scalability of the web.

Finally, the choice should be based on a balance between the type of hosting that best suits the nature of the website, whether it's an online store or a personal blog, and the level of quality of the support service and the security measures that the provider can guarantee.

At Novicell we are pioneers in WordPress, our specialists will advise you on the best hosting for your e-commerce, evaluating your needs and objectives in detail. Contact with us and take a step forward in this new era of eCommerce.