Do you know how to control the Adwords Quality Score?

Do you know how to spend your money on Adwords and how to get the most out of your advertising budget? Many advertisers spend more than they should due to the poor structuring of their Adwords accounts and not paying attention to Quality Score of their campaigns.
In this post we will give you concrete advice on how optimize your Adwords campaigns based on the level of quality.
What is the Adwords Quality Score?
The quality level of Google Adwords is measured with a scale ranging from 1/10 (from lower to higher) and which is determined by the consistency of the keywords, the announcements and the landing page. If your Adwords campaign has a low quality level, you run the risk of losing impressions and clicks, as well as paying a higher price for your Google placement.

The quality level is defined by four parameters:
- Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
Determine the percentage of impressions for each ad that leads to clicks on your website. The title of the ad must be attractive and must contain a Call to action that arouses the user's curiosity.
- Relevance
The texts of the advertisements and their associated keywords must have a maximum of coherence possible with the content of your website, especially with the landing page of the announcement. Thus, the more cohesion there is between them, the more relevant Google will consider that your ad has and the better your ad will be. position on the search page, in addition to the fact that the cost of the campaign will decrease. Also, make sure that the text of the ads is different in each ad group. To achieve this structure and the cohesion between the keywords and the text of the advertisement, it is important to have built a good campaign structure from AdWords.
- Landing page
Usually when you click on an ad it takes you to a landing page or landing page. Quality in Adwords is also classified by the relationship between landing, keywords and ad text. It is important that the landing page has the same contents than the keywords and the text of the ad.
- Ad extensions
Ad extensions are the extra add-ons that your ad can bring. These can be links to websites that are relevant, because this sometimes helps Increase CTR general if you manage to obtain interesting links that take users to other pages of your website. Examples of this are offers, products, finding a dealer or the like.
The importance of a high level of quality
When you advertise on Google AdWords, you participate in a auctioning with other advertisers. Google doesn't favor advertisers who are willing to bid higher, but rather those with a Quality Score louder. The position of the ad it is calculated like this:
Ad ranking = QS x maximum CPC
So the higher the ad ranking, the cheaper the price per click.

In this example, we see that advertiser 4 is willing to pay more for a given search, but achieves the worst Ranking in the search results. On the contrary, advertiser 1 is willing to pay the minimum price, but places it at First position. The reason is that Google wants to offer the most results Relevant for the user.
Thus, we see that if we understand well how the Google algorithm and campaigns are optimized in this regard, you can save a lot in advertising. What's more, perhaps for the same price you can get more valuable visits (and, therefore, more conversions).
Next, we are going to give you some Optimization tricks and analysis of your advertising based on the Quality Score.
An overview of the quality level
By default, the reports you see in the Adwords interface don't include the quality score. To include it in your reports you must click on Keywords > Columns > Modify columns and choose the column Quality level.
The column on the right shows, next to each keyword, how they rank in terms of quality level. In this section, we see how the quality level influences the Click prices.
If we find the case of a keyword with a low quality level, we might think that the right thing to do is to stop it, but it's not always the most appropriate solution. Instead, we should analyze the ranking factors that Google makes on the keywords in question (the ones we mentioned above). For example, dragging the keyword from your own ad group to make the ad text more relevant, which maybe could Increase CTR of the keyword. In addition, we must consider if the search matches the landing page where we are sending the user. You could also hover your mouse over a certain keyword and see Google's own recommendations based on the quality level.
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