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September 21, 2023

Artificial intelligence tools for digital marketing

Laura Arias
Marketing & Demand Generation Specialist

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field, where competition is fierce and the demand for effective results is increasing.

Currently, in the execution of marketing strategies, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial ally for professionals and companies, transforming the way in which they optimize their strategies and achieve better results.

In this article, we present you with a selection of best AI tools, organized according to their role in the digital world, covering areas such as SEO, SEM, UX/UI, Inbound Marketing, social networks and content creation.

Artificial intelligence tools for SEO

El SEO (Search Engine Optimization) it is an essential technique of digital marketing, because it determines the visibility of your website in search engines. However, with constantly changing algorithms and increasing competition, SEO has become more challenging than ever. This is where AI tools for SEO come into play, here are the main ones.

Market Brew

Market Brew is an advanced platform that uses AI to simulate the operation of search engines and predict how changes to your website will affect ranking and traffic.

In addition, offers optimization suggestions and competitive analysis, allowing you to make decisions based on solid data. is a powerful tool that uses AI to create and optimize web content. It analyzes the search intent of users, identifies frequently asked questions and trends, and helps you generate relevant and engaging content. It also allows you to create automatic summaries and virtual assistants to improve the user experience.


MarketMuse It is a tool of generation and optimization of content that uses AI. Its functions include Content Inventory, Content Briefs, Content Score and Content Optimization. These features help improve the quality and relevance of content, which is essential for SEO.


SEMrush It is the SEO tool par excellence and also benefits from artificial intelligence. Some of the AI features offered by SEMrush are:

  • Keyword Magic Tool, which finds the best keywords for SEO
  • Topic Research, which discovers the most popular and relevant topics for the content
  • SEO Writing Assistant, which helps you write content optimized for SEO
  • SEO Content Template, which generates content templates based on SEO best practices.

Chat GTP

Chat GPT is one of the most famous and used AI tools in different areas.

In the field of SEO, it stands out for its ability to assist in the creation and optimization of web content, structuring it through a hierarchy of headings, providing meta descriptions and integrating keywords in a fluid and organic way.

This powerful tool makes use of natural language processing and machine learning techniques to generate original and highly relevant texts, in addition to thoroughly evaluating the performance of the content.

Artificial intelligence tools for SEM and PPC

El SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and PPC (Pay Per Click) are crucial components of digital marketing that require constant and accurate management. AI tools are making these areas more efficient and effective. Here are the most used ones:

Google Ads

Google Ads, Google's online advertising platform, uses AI to optimize SEM and PPC campaigns. Features such as Smart Bidding and Responsive Search Ads adjust bids and create dynamic ads to maximize performance. is a tool powered by artificial intelligence that streamlines paid advertising campaigns by generating creatives that are adaptable to the platform, audience and promoted product. By analyzing performance data, create texts, images, videos and strategies designed to improve conversions and ROI. a powerful artificial intelligence tool that transforms paid campaigns on various platforms, including Meta, Instagram, Google, Snapchat and TikTok. It allows you produce and scale dynamic and personalized creatives, adjust bids and budgets according to the objective and context, and obtain valuable and actionable information on campaign performance and return.


Phrasee It is a tool of persuasive content generation for SEM and PPC. Use AI to create texts adapted to the tone and style of the brand, which improves the effectiveness of campaigns.

Chat GPT

ChatGPT also joins the AI tools for SEM and PPC. It can help you design and manage online advertising campaigns, generating dynamic and personalized ads, adjusting bids and budgets, and offering suggestions for optimizing your strategies.

Artificial intelligence tools for UX/UI

The user experience and user interface (UX/UI) are crucial elements in the design of digital products and services. AI tools are improving research, prototyping and implementation in these areas.


Relume is an innovative tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate sitemaps, simplifying collaboration between different professionals, such as UX and SEO, in the web design process. In addition, offers the possibility to edit the sitemap, transform it into a wireframe and export it to platforms such as Figma or Webflow, widely used in web development.

Unlike AI solutions that promise websites in minutes but then cause problems, Relume is an effective approach that can be adapted to your needs, facilitates the creation of a clear and coherent web structure.


Uizard transforms handmade sketches into interactive and functional prototypes using artificial intelligence. With Uizard you save time and effort in creating prototypes as well as obtaining quick and effective feedback from users by converting design elements into interface components with a few clicks.

Adobe Sensei

Adobe Sensei uses AI to improve Adobe design tools, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. It helps you automate repetitive tasks and create high-quality visual content more efficiently.

Dall-E 2

Dall-E 2 use artificial intelligence to generate images based on textual descriptions. With Dall-E, you can explore creative ideas simply by writing down what you want to see.

Attention Insight

Attention Insight thanks to artificial intelligence manages to analyze and optimize interface design based on the visual attention of users. With Attention Insight, you can measure the impact of your designs and improve usability, conversion and user satisfaction through heatmaps, clarity scores, and recommendations based on best design practices. A very useful tool also for CRO strategies.


Khroma Use artificial intelligence to generate personalized and harmonious color palettes in design projects. With Khroma, you can discover and create color combinations that adapt to the style and preferences of your website or application, improving the aesthetics and meaning of your creations by learning from the user's preferences and offering suggestions for colors that please them.


Midjourney allows you to generate images from descriptive texts, making it easier to explore creative ideas and validate concepts. With Midjourney, you can create realistic or fantastic images that adapt to the needs and expectations of users, and that improve the visual and emotional experience of the products. In addition, Midjourney encourages user participation and collaboration, offering a fun and accessible tool that allows us to obtain feedback and inspiration from other creators.

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Inbound Marketing

El Inbound Marketing is based on attracting, converting, retaining and delighting customers through valuable content. AI tools are revolutionizing this marketing methodology in several ways.


HubSpot is an Inbound Marketing platform par excellence. It has different artificial intelligence features that are integrated into your tools and allow you to optimize the processes and results of an inbound marketing strategy. Some of these features are the AI email writer, the website generator, the creation of images from prompts and the creation of posts for social networks.


Personalize is an AI tool that allows you to customize the content and experience of your website visitors, according to their characteristics, interests and behavior. With Personalize, you can create audience segments, display relevant offers and messages, and optimize the performance of your inbound marketing campaigns.

Seventh Sense

Seventh Sense is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to optimize email marketing, analyzing contact data and user behavior to send emails at the optimal time for each one. With Seventh Sense, you can increase the open rate, engagement and conversions of your email marketing campaigns.


Drift uses AI to improve customer conversion and loyalty. Their chatbot, Driftbot, interacts with users and offers personalized answers and solutions. In addition, offers AI-based email marketing, video and account-based marketing solutions.


Copy.ia uses artificial intelligence to generate ideas and content for your business, services or products. You can create names, slogans, logos, descriptions, headlines, hyphens, and more, simply describing what you need. Copy.AI helps you overcome creative blocks and find original and effective solutions. is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create attractive and personalized images and videos for your inbound marketing content. With, you can generate graphics, infographics, animations, videos, and other visual formats that capture the attention of your audience and convey your message clearly and convincingly.

Inbound Marketing is based on understanding and satisfying customer needs, and AI tools are very useful to achieve this effectively.

Artificial intelligence tools for social networks

Artificial intelligence tools for social networks focus on the production of original and high-quality content, as well as on the optimization and automation of processes on social platforms, as well as on the analysis of performance data. Some of these prominent tools include:


ManyChat gives you the ability to create chatbots for Instagram, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, automating interactions with your customers and prospects. This application takes advantage of artificial intelligence to generate leads, boost sales, offer support and execute highly personalized marketing campaigns, adapting messages according to each user and platform.


Lately simplifies the creation and distribution of quality content on your social networks, using artificial intelligence to generate texts, images, videos and audios from your information sources. This tool saves time and effort in creating content and enhances the reach and engagement of your publications.


Synthesia use artificial intelligence to create videos with real or virtual people who express the text you want. You can produce professional, educational or fun videos without recording or editing, choosing from a variety of actors, languages and backgrounds, and customizing the look and tone of the videos.

These tools are transforming the way content is created and social media presence is managed, offering unmatched efficiency and quality.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has triggered a real revolution in all aspects of digital marketing. In this context of constant transformation, it is essential that digital marketing professionals are not only aware of these innovative tools, but also that they keep up to date on an ongoing basis.

It is important to note that AI is not intended to replace marketing experts, but rather to complement their skills with powerful tools that allow them to excel in an increasingly competitive environment. However, it is essential to remember that for any tool to enhance the success of a business, a digital strategy solidly defined.

At Novicell, not only are we experts in technology and marketing, but we are also passionate about these disciplines. We are willing to provide you comprehensive advice on the digitalization of your business and in the optimization of your internal operations, all with the objective of achieving the success you deserve. Do not hesitate to contact us; we're here to help you effectively boost your digital presence.