New Content Marketing Trends 2018

Our colleagues from Novicell in Denmark attended the Congress on content marketing largest in Scandinavia: the Clever Content Conference. At this event, many topics related to content marketing were discussed, but the content experts at Novicell Denmark especially highlight these three Content marketing trends:
1. Video marketing
It is estimated that by 2021 video content will reach 82% of all traffic IP. So you should no longer ask yourself if you are making video, but rather how you are doing it, so that you are not invisible compared to others.
Video Requirements
According to Chris Kubbernus, who gave a lecture on video marketing strategy, the requirements that a video must meet are summarized in 4 “—ables”:
- Searchable — What can be found
- Clickable — That encourages you to click
- Enjoyable — Let it be enjoyed
- Shareable — That encourages sharing
It's not easy to stand out, as the competition is usually large, but we can start by asking ourselves if our audiovisual content has:
- A good one thumbnail of the video (thumbnail)
- Labels with the most important keywords
- Split the video in parts (9-15 min each) if it's a very long video
- Text (so that the video can also be viewed without sound)
- Un startup that attracts the audience (the first 3 minutes are the most important)

Relevance first and foremost
Are you very careful with the production of your videos? If you need a lot of time to achieve this, produce shorter but relevant videos with time exceeding “quality” at all times. It's NOW when you need to be present and respond to your audience - and therefore the live streaming and question and answer sessions they are also formats that work.
Vertical, vertical, vertical
Did you think that horizontal formatting was the thing to do in Video marketing? Not if you want spectators. Here are the facts that prove it:
- Vertical video clips have a 58% greater range than horizontal video clips
- Horizontal video clicks are 64% more expensive than vertical clicks.
- Vertical video clicks get 28% more search responses than horizontal clicks.
- Vertical video clips get 39% more splits than horizontal video clips
(Source: Chris Kubbernus)
2. User Involvement
Getting users involved is a Must, and make applications and tools more attractive will make them more successful. For example, the fact that users upload and edit their own photos through various filters and then share them on social media.
Applications such as Snapchat or Instagram they use filters, which causes users to generate more content and to share much more. Taking embellished selfies is a need that is increasingly being met, especially in Asia, for example, where the app Meito (based on selfie retouching) is gaining strength.
But what do you get as a sender of this, you might think? The answer is: Participation and user data. Neither more nor less. And the facial recognition it is used in great style for segmentation and Retargeting crystal clear around the world.
3. The importance of sharing
“The fight for content is real,” explained LinkedIn's Jaime Pham in his presentation on How to be successful with your content on social media.
First of all, it's about the sender. Personal content has twice the CTR (Click Through Rate) than that of companies. Why? Because people trust people, not companies. Therefore, to achieve greater reach and Engagement Of you Target generates personal content.
And what do readers crave? It depends, of course, on the industry. Here are just a few:

But keep in mind: It's one thing that's happening spontaneously - it's another thing that provides backlinks and converts. So consider once again What is the purpose of your content.
Professionals are also consumers. What attracts your readers? What motivates them to read your content? B2B companies have been particularly focused on the long term, although there is now, increasingly, a type of B2B communication in a more entertaining language and format on all channels. Of course, don't forget to define the strategy of content marketing before performing the necessary tasks.
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If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us.
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