How to seduce the user with a custom-developed website

Surely you've heard the following phrases hundreds of times, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and “it's the first impression that counts” but can we apply it to a Digital businessl?
El Website design is very important, the first impression of users when they visit our site is essential. When users access a website, it takes less than a second to form an opinion about the brand.
You just have to think that it's the first thing that comes to mind when you enter a web page and you can't understand the structure of the content, the images are not displayed, etc. Would you buy or visit that website again? In these cases, the most common questions asked by users are:
- Is this your trusted page?
- Is it a credible site?
- Is this company professional?
If you have a business, you should already know that If you're not on the Internet you don't exist, and if you don't exist, you can't sell because they won't know you. But we can't fall into the mistake of being there, I make a simple website and that's it. People who visit your website will judge you quickly.

How to make a good first digital impression?
In order to seduce the user through our page, we need to know where they focus when they enter a website.
It is vital to focus on these 2 aspects:
The navigational structure and usability of the website is a basic aspect. The clearer, simpler and more intuitive the better.
A website of Quality must be responsive, which adapts to any device (smartphone, tablet, screen...).
For a user to stay longer on your website, the design must be attractive, the links and buttons have to work.
We have mentioned this on other occasions, “Content is king“. A website is nourished by content, but this content is not only found on the blog, but we can find it on every page of our website.
- Home Page:
Users can reach our website through different ways, but I'm sure that at some point they will visit the main page, also known as the “home page”. This page should always include information about who we are, what we do and the benefit for our users, in addition to our contact information.
- Who We Are Section:
Once a user has already visited our page and wants to find out more, they will want to know who we are. In this section we don't have to say what we offer, they want to know a little more about the human aspect of the company. At this point we must tell a story, include presentation videos, achievements, etc.
- Product or Services section:
In this section, we will define what we offer to the user. If we sell products, we must show their benefits, and above all, make it easy for the user to purchase. And if we offer services, they must be very well detailed.
- Blog:
The content of the blog will help us position our page in search engines, increase traffic to our website, build visitor loyalty, improve our online reputation, generate leads, and many others.

How to create a professional website?
We found several options in the market for Build the best website, from creating the page ourselves, or hiring a professional developer.
Before creating a website, the design and structure should be defined according to the objectives we would like to achieve.
Cloud-based web development platforms such as Wix are great for creating a page quickly and easily, but in the long term they may not work out as we may encounter certain limitations.
As we have mentioned, depending on the objectives set, we will choose one option or another.
Surely you're wondering, do I really need a developer to create or change my business website? The answer is it depends, if you don't have the necessary knowledge, the best solution is to have a developer who makes our lives easier. As you may know, sometimes trying to find the cheapest option can be more expensive in the long run.
The most popular CMS allow you to create a page from templates, you practically only have to customize the pages and fill them with content. But it should be noted that they have a great disadvantage, plugins and templates are sometimes not compatible, and if they are, at some point they may no longer meet our needs.
However, if what we are looking for is a specific design, the best thing is to create a 100% programmed and customized website, for example with Umbraco. What entrepreneurs or marketing managers have to ask themselves is how much I can pay and what we need and what we want on our website.
What are the advantages of developing your company's tailor-made website?
- Functionality
- Design
- Security
- Scalability
- Velocidad
The best thing is to have full control of the project so that it can be modified or scaled up to the objectives set by the company.
How can we help you?
If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact contact us.
Cómo podemos ayudarte
Consulta los servicios con los que te ayudaremos a conseguir tus objetivos digitales.