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August 24, 2023

How to improve the customer experience in your eCommerce

Laura Arias
Marketing & Demand Generation Specialist

Customer experience is a key factor for the success of any online business, whether B2B or B2C. It's about offer users a satisfying, fluid and personalized interaction with your brand, your products and your services. A good customer experience can build trust, loyalty and recommendation, which translates into higher sales and profits.

But how to improve the customer experience in your eCommerce? In this article, we explain the Keys to designing an effective user experience, the benefits of a PIM in the customer journey within your online store and some use cases.

How to improve the customer experience in your eCommerce

Imagine a potential customer who visits your online store looking for a specific product. Instead of facing a confusing maze of incoherent tabs and descriptions, you find yourself with a clean, pleasant and, most importantly, easy to navigate interface. The products are intuitively organized, with sharp images and detailed descriptions that help you immediately understand what you're seeing. Every step of the buying process, from exploration to final transaction, flows effortlessly and transparently. This is the power of a well-designed customer experience.

Here are the keys that will lead you to build a satisfactory user experience in your eCommerce.

Intuitive Interface

The navigation in your online store should be as smooth as a relaxing walk through well-marked corridors. Products should be organized into logical and easy-to-understand categories, as if you were guiding your customers through a physical store. A clear drop-down menu, with intuitive and effective search options, can direct your customers directly to what they are looking for. For example, if you offer clothing, you could categorize them by gender, type of garment, occasion or style, allowing visitors to quickly access the options that interest them.

Enriched Content

Images are worth a thousand words, especially in an eCommerce.

Most buying decisions start with an online search, that's why images and detailed descriptions become your best allies.

Las high quality images, which show your products from different angles and in different situations of use, allow your potential customers to view them as if they were holding them in their hands.

Accompany these images with rich descriptions that highlight the key features and benefits of the product. If you're selling appliances, for example, don't just list their specifications; add information about how each feature could simplify the customer's life.

Purchase process

The ideal customer experience removes barriers between the customer and the purchase.

If a customer has found the perfect product and is ready to buy it. A visible shopping cart, secure and clear payment options, and an efficient payment process, are essential to maintain your trust and, above all, your buying motivation.

Minimizes the number of steps required to complete the purchase; each additional click could be the difference between a successful sale and a customer who leaves their cart full of unsatisfied desires.

In addition, offers multiple payment methods to adapt to the individual preferences of your customers and ensure that no obstacles stand between them and their desired purchase.

Clear and transparent communication

From shipping information to return policies, transparency is critical to establishing customer trust.

It provides clear details about costs, delivery times and return conditions. The lack of unpleasant surprises creates an environment of trust, resulting in satisfied customers who are willing to return.


An exceptional customer experience starts with treating each visitor as a potentially valuable customer. Use tools such as personalized recommendations based on previous purchases or stated interests.

If a customer has been browsing children's clothing categories, why not show them the latest deals in that area? The goal is to make every customer feel special and understood.

Customer service

A system of Live chat or an efficient customer service hotline can make a difference.

If a customer has a question or problem, providing a quick and helpful response shows that you care about their satisfaction.

Remember, the quality of your after-sales service can have a lasting impact on the perception of your brand.

How a PIM can improve the customer experience

One of the The most effective tools for improving the customer experience is a Product Information Management (PIM) system, since it allows you to manage and update your product information in a centralized and automated way.

A PIM not only optimizes the internal management of your products, but it also has a direct impact on how customers interact with your online store.

With PIM software you can optimize the quality, consistency and relevance of your content, from descriptions to images and attributes, as well as adapt them to each channel and market.

When customers find consistent and accurate information across all touchpoints, they feel more confident and have a better understanding of what they're buying.

Learn specifically how implementing a PIM benefits the customer experience.

Centralize your data and provide consistent information across every channel

A PIM acts like a centralized operating base for all your product data.

Instead of having information scattered across different systems or spreadsheets, a PIM allows you to effectively consolidate and manage descriptions, images, prices, and attributes in one place.

Imagine having a complete digital catalog that stores every important detail of your products in a standardized format, ready to be presented in a coherent way on all your digital platforms.

Personalize the content and builds customer loyalty

A PIM goes beyond simple data collection, it can also help you personalize and enrich product descriptions.

You can add technical details, usage tips, detailed size guides, customer testimonials, and any other relevant information that highlights the unique advantages of each product. Or decide what audience you want to offer certain information to.

If you have a wide range of international clients, you could modify the presentation of products or services according to the demographic group to which you are addressing and include additional information depending on the season, culture or place.

If you are looking for a tool dedicated to personalizing user experiences in eCommerce, We recommend add a CDP to your solution ecosystem.

Expand your business into new channels

In the world of online sales, diversifying your sales channels is essential to reach a wider audience. This is where a PIM becomes your best friend.

Not only does it optimize the experience in your eCommerce, but also simplifies expansion to different channels, in Marketplaces such as Amazon, social networks or different websites.

With a PIM, you can have the peace of mind that your product information will always be ready to be shared consistently on each platform. So, whatever channel your customers find your products in, they'll receive a consistent and engaging experience.

Data-based decisions

A PIM can provide valuable data on which products are generating the most interest and sales.

This allows you to make informed decisions about which products to promote, which may need improvement, and which may be recalled. Data-based information can help you optimize your catalog and sales strategy.

A complementary tool to Google Analytics to measure the performance of your eCommerce.

How B2B and B2C companies have improved customer experience with a PIM system

A Product Information Management System (PIM) can improve the customer experience both for companies focused on the final consumer (B2C) and for those that operate in the B2B field, generating a significant impact for any of these scenarios.

Here are some illustrative examples.

Online clothing store

An online fashion store had a wide variety of products, from clothing to accessories. Before implementing a PIM system, they faced challenges in keeping product images and descriptions up to date on your website and on different social media channels. This created inconsistencies in the information presented and difficulties in managing seasons and collections.

By implementing a PIM system, they were able to centralize all product information, including high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and specific attributes for each item and season. This allowed them to maintain consistency in product presentation across platforms and ensure that the information was accurate and up-to-date. Customers could now explore the collections with confidence and get a full view of each item, leading to a increased sales and increased customer loyalty.

Distributor of industrial products

A company that distributes a wide range of industrial products, from mechanical components to electrical equipment, faced the challenge of providing detailed technical information to its B2B customers. Before implementing a PIM, product information was scattered across multiple spreadsheets and documents. As a result, sales representatives were struggling to provide customers with accurate and up-to-date information in real time.

After implementing a PIM, the company centralized all product data in one place. Now, sales representatives can easily access detailed descriptions, technical specifications, and data sheets from a single platform. This has significantly improved the company's ability to respond quickly to customer inquiries and provide accurate and relevant information in real time.

B2B customers can now make informed decisions about which products best fit their needs, which has led to increased customer satisfaction and stronger business relationships.

Conclusion, don't underestimate the ability of a PIM to improve the customer experience

Improving the customer experience in your eCommerce is a multidimensional task that requires careful planning and execution. Every interaction that a customer has with your online store, from navigation to the purchase process and after-sales service, plays a crucial role in shaping their perception of your brand.

As you work to improve this experience, don't underestimate the role of the PIM, as it's not just a technical tool; it's an engine that drives consistency, personalization, and effective expansion across all channels. Use it as a strategic ally to captivate and retain your customers.

If you need helps in implementing a PIM or in building an effective eCommerce strategy, do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialists are ready to answer all your questions.

Remember that exceptional customer experience isn't just a transaction; it's a relationship you're building.