How to implement digital transformation in your company

Companies often forget about organizational changes when implementing a new digital strategy. According to a Gartner study on the business priority of CEOs published in May 2018, one of the main priorities is digital transformation (it ranks third). The survey was conducted with 460 CEOs; in this graph we can see the summary of business priorities (Source: Gartner).

Regardless of the business strategy, implement in a company Digital transformation will inevitably lead to changes in the way we work, in working procedures - and perhaps even in the company culture.
Therefore, management must prepare the company for future changes and establish an agile configuration for them. It is recommended to think about the change management as a tool when carrying out this digital transformation.
Let's say you want to focus on personalized communications across the board. Customer Journey. In other words, we will focus on marketing efforts based on data on customer preferences, behavior on different channels and past conversions.
To achieve a consistent customer journey across all touchpoints (Touchpoints), it is not only necessary to impose new requirements on internal systems and data. Internal work processes and cooperation between departments are also changing. Then it will be necessary to answer, for example, questions such as these:
- Where do you manage the sales department the leads that arrive through the new automated marketing channels?
- Is it the IT department Or the one from Marketing Who guarantees consistency between channels and stores whose product content will now be produced in 8 different variants?
- How do they exchange the social media manager and customer service customer data so that both parties are up to date for the next dialogue with the customer?

How to Succeed in Digital Transformation
It's difficult establish a decisive model for change management. However, we have collected 3 organizational points that you should consider when implementing a digital strategy in a company.
1. Create the necessary framework for employees
Employees aren't necessarily opposed to change, unless they don't realize they're coming. That's why it's important to get ahead of yourself and involve the entire organization from the start. This will ensure that employees are prepared. To achieve this, it will be important to answer the following questions:
- Which employees are involved in the digital strategy?
- How does digital strategy affect employees?
- Do employees have the right skills for the task?
- Have employees understood why these changes are an advantage for the company and for themselves?
- Do employees have the right objectives to help support the new strategy so that there is an incentive to carry it out?
2. Define working procedures
It's also important to consider What old working procedures should be prioritized or eliminated completely. Here's what's important in trying to answer these questions:
- What specific tasks need to be closed?
- What new work procedures should be prioritized?
- Who is the right one to carry out the tasks?
- Should we train or hire new profiles?
- Has the budget been allocated for the purchase of new digital systems?
When Novicell's strategic consultants advise clients on their employees and work procedures, we often use the competency map tool: provides a solid overview of the required competencies. The tool helps identify potential gaps between current and future competencies and what is needed to close this gap.
In the same way, we also carry out a task mapping that provides an overview of the different jobs they produce and the resources that the different tasks require. La assignment of tasks helps management figure out which tasks should be prioritized and which should be closed. It also provides the employee with an overview of the priority of own resources in accordance with the strategy.

3. Focus on dialogue and cooperation between departments

Una digital transformation facilitates many processes, but it often requires other collaboration across the organization. In this regard, you should consider the organization and structure of cooperation.
Several of Novicell's strategic clients have benefited from the creation of a multidisciplinary digital forum that guarantees the participation of the entire organization in digital transformation.
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