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October 3, 2018

How to control your digital marketing strategy?

Laura Arias
Marketing & Demand Generation Specialist

What can you do in a minute?

In 60 seconds, you might be able to send an email, upload a new image to your Instagram stories, or check out LinkedIn. However, most of us struggle to perform more complex tasks in just 1 minute.

In spite of that, if we look at the activity that takes place on the Internet in a single minute, the picture is completely different. We took a look at the infographic “One Minute of the Internet” to get a Overview of the development of digital channels and to give you some tips on how to start using some of the marketing platforms.

The graphics come from Lori Lewis and Chadd Callahan. What we can observe is that all digital platforms have grownor in the last year.

Among other things, the sales of voice devices For the first time, they increased from 50 to 67 per minute from 2017 to 2018. Twitch, an online gaming website, had nearly 1 million views in 2018. And the streaming giant Netflix, which managed to make its users consume 70,000 hours in 2017, it has increased to 266,000 hours in 2018 - every minute.

Evolution clearly shows that a large number of digital platforms have experienced explosive growth in recent years, and it seems that in the future, this growth will not stop.

But how can you make sure that your company uses its full potential of the development of digital channels?

3 Tips for Controlling Your Digital Marketing Strategy

1. Focus on the target audience and strategy before the channel

Companies often turn to investing in a large number of digital platforms to increase brand awareness. At first glance, investing in digital platforms is attractive. Because others have succeeded with this. Because your competitors make use of them. Or simply because it's in fashion. But we must always think very carefully about exaggerated trends.

Novicell recommends taking into account the company's digital strategy, and especially thinking about where your customers really are before launching into new channels.

With a comprehensive channel strategy, you can prioritize your business efforts across different customer-facing touchpoints and focus on the efforts and channels that create the most value for your customers and for your own business. Therefore, Think about the audience and the strategy before the channel.

2. Leave a place for metrics

To exploit the company's online business potential, it is important to find the right balance between investments in channels and advertising measured according to the value of production. It requires continuous monitoring and maintenance of your activities, and you must quickly optimize or completely stop actions if you have a negative ROI/ROAS.

Focusing efforts involves designate relevant marketing metrics. It's important to pay special attention to performance and setting goals/objectives that are relevant to your particular company.

3. Get the most out of your content

When the channel strategy is right, and the relevant metrics have been established, it's time to draw up a real content plan for the selected digital platforms.

A typical mistake is that content creation is done ad hoc without a well-defined plan that can ensure the effect of the effort. Instead, content becomes a specific medium without thinking about a content strategy comprehensive.

Companies should not think of digital platforms as “silos”, but rather of different platforms as a single device where content can coexist on many channels simultaneously.

You can benefit from the development of a 'content-based', where all the company's content is brought together so that each newsletter, blog, guide, etc... can be distributed several times in different channels and formats. This way, you make the most of your resources and reach your full potential through digital channels.

The digital channels that we should not forget

Email Marketing Isn't Dead

Email is still alive: 187 million emails are sent every second. The question is: how to relate to the use of email as a marketing channel?

The growing number of emails increases competition to get the consumer to click on your email. Therefore, it is important to understand that making a plan will turn out to be very effective to benefit from growth in channel usage.

A newsletter can be used differently depending on the purpose. It should be incorporated as part of a larger flow and overall marketing strategy and identify exactly what the email marketing strategy will contribute to your other digital channels.

Emails are generally suitable for attract and retain customers, and several studies indicate that they are often the business of the best sources of converting. So if you're considering using email marketing as part of your marketing mix, here are our best tips for making the most of the channel:

  • Create personalized content (in addition to using the recipient's name)
  • To use dynamic and interactive content to offer the recipient a unique experience
  • Set up user flows automated - this not only gives the recipient a good experience, but also frees up resources for the business.
  • Configure the automated email for users who left the basket (or other conversion page) - so you're on your way to a high conversion rate.

Facebook and Instagram: The Best Features for Marketing

Facebook and Instagram are very strong digital channels. 87% of users in Spain currently have a Facebook profile, and 49% use Instagram.

Both platforms are very important for companies and can be used both for payment media and for Own How to stop Earn Media. The channels offer you a solid platform for sharing relevant news, entertain your followers, increase brand awareness and sell your products.

The first step is to establish solid marketing metrics that can guide your use of the channel to ensure the desired return on investment.

These are some of the most used metrics for the use of Facebook and Instagram:

  • Sale of products
  • Registrations to receive a newsletter or to attend an event
  • Visibility
  • Leads
  • How much revenue do you get from your advertising reports (ROI/ROAS)

With relevant metrics, you can focus on the impact of their presence and keep an eye on whether your efforts on the channel are paying off.


“OK Google, why should I use voice devices in my marketing strategy?”

The number of voice devices is steadily increasing, and 20% of all searches on Android are already voice-based, and this trend is expected to increase explosively in the coming years.

Many companies still don't work strategically with voice searches, so there are many opportunities to get ahead of the competition and actively prepare the marketing strategy for such searches.

The question is: how important are voice searches in your marketing channels? With voice searches, it's more important than ever to be at the top of search results, as Amazon Alexa and Echo, Apple's Siri and Google Home only mention the highest-ranked result.

You'll only get the best position in the ranking through a dedicated SEO effort, strategic work with Google Ads advertising and, above all, quality content. Therefore, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Focus on technical SEO: The ability of ecosystems to crawl and index your website is of paramount importance for a high ranking.
  • Optimize the performance of your website on mobile devices: Because voice search is being done here.
  • Customize the content of your website, to match voice searches: The verbal search usually has a different wording than it would if it had been written.

Although the voice trend hasn't accelerated yet, we predict that it's only a matter of time. While there's still a lot of uncertainty about how the concrete interaction between SEO, organic results, and Ads ads will work (and how Google will favor different search results), we think that those who already think first and foremost as part of SEO efforts will be much better equipped when the trend is really strong.


Do you want to do Increase your online marketing performance? We would like to help you prioritize between digital channels and define the right strategy.

How can we help you?

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

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