Marcelo Pastorino

Tech Lead

Marcelo started out in the wonderful world of computing programming in Clipper and dBase III in a DOS environment in the early 90s, on an old but grateful IBM 8086 XT computer with 20 MegaBytes of hard disk, 512 Kilobytes of RAM, and a green CRT monitor, which was later removed from the market after being considered radioactive by several ophthalmological associations. In short, a waste for the time.

He sold his first piece of code at the age of 16, and when he saw gold, there was no turning back.

Since then, he spends his hours in dark corners, in front of a computer, usually programming on the Microsoft stack, although he can also be found from time to time producing a new course for Pluralsight, or trying to create side-projects that are most likely destined to fail.

From time to time you hear him babbling around with acronyms such as SOLID, DRY and YAGNI, although the truth is he doesn't quite know what they mean, of course, he likes to learn from others and make friends, and to teach what is within his reach, he is rigorous but pragmatic, and after many years he is learning that good does not have to be the enemy of the perfect.