Valerie Lewis Bento

Project Manager

Valerie is a person who is passionate about technology. He loves discovering new features and ways of doing things when there is an update to an application. Knowledgeable in the world of consulting, where she has been Project Manager for more than 10 years, she has been working in different sectors with different types of clients.

Valerie likes to listen to and understand people, plan, coordinate and mark as “facts” the items of a Checklist, are some of the things that freak him out the most. He likes to know different points of view and thus be able to reach a solution between all the members of the team.

He defines himself as a kind and persevering person. In her spare time you'll find her in a Crossfit BOX, doing yoga or taking a plane to explore a new city. Since he came to Spain from Venezuela, he hasn't “stopped his leg” on any of his vacations.